Theory of mind in remitted bipolar disorder: Interpersonal accuracy in recognition of dynamic nonverbal signals

Autoři: Usue Espinós aff001;  Enrique G. Fernández-Abascal aff001;  Mercedes Ovejero aff002
Působiště autorů: Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain aff001;  Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222112


A relatively unexplored aspect in bipolar disorder (BD) is the ability to accurately judge other´s nonverbal behavior. To explore this aspect of social cognition in this population is particularly meaningful, as it may have an influence in their social and interpersonal functioning. The aim of this research was to study interpersonal accuracy (IPA) in remitted BDs, that is, the specific skills that fall under the general term Theory of Mind (ToM). Study participants included 119 remitted individuals with BD (70 BD I and 49 BD II), and they were compared with a group of 39 persons diagnosed with unipolar depression (UD) and 119 control participants. The MiniPONS was used to test the whole spectrum of nonverbal cues as facial expressions, body language and voice. Results indicated a superiority of the control group with statistically significant differences both in the performance in the MiniPONS (number of right answers) and in each of the areas evaluated by this test. BD groups, in recognition of the meaning of gestures in face, body and voice intonation, performed significantly worse than controls. ANCOVA analysis controlling the effect of age shows that control group performed significantly better compared to clinical groups, and there were no differences between UD and BD groups. The results indicate a deficit in IPA and suggest that better comprehension of deficiencies in interpersonal accuracy in BD may help to develop new training programs to improve in these patients the understanding of others, which might have a positive impact in their psychosocial functionality, and thus lead to the objective of functional rehabilitation.

Klíčová slova:

Medicine and health sciences – Mental health and psychiatry – Mood disorders – Bipolar disorder – Depression – Neurology – Cognitive neurology – Cognitive impairment – Biology and life sciences – Psychology – Emotions – Theory of mind – Social cognition – Social psychology – Neuroscience – Cognitive science – Cognition – Memory – Face recognition – Cognitive psychology – Perception – Cognitive neuroscience – Learning and memory – Anatomy – Head – Face – Social sciences


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