Femtosecond laser induced step-like structures inside transparent hydrogel due to laser induced threshold reduction

Autoři: Emanuel Saerchen aff001;  Susann Liedtke-Gruener aff002;  Maximilian Kopp aff001;  Alexander Heisterkamp aff001;  Holger Lubatschowski aff002;  Tammo Ripken aff001
Působiště autorů: Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany aff001;  Rowiak GmbH, Hannover, Germany aff002;  Institut fuer Quantenoptik, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Hannover, Germany aff003
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222293


In the area of laser material processing, versatile applications for cutting glasses and transparent polymers exist. However, parasitic effects such as the creation of step-like structures appear when laser cutting inside a transparent material. To date, these structures were only described empirically. This work establishes the physical and chemical mechanisms behind the observed effects and describes the influence of process and material parameters onto the creation of step-like structures in hydrogel, Dihydroxyethylmethacrylat (HEMA). By focusing laser pulses in HEMA, reduced pulse separation distance below 50 nm and rise in pulse energy enhances the creation of unintended step-like structures. Spatial resolved Raman-spectroscopy was used to measure the laser induced chemical modification, which results into a reduced breakdown threshold. The reduction in threshold influences the position of optical breakdown for the succeeding laser pulses and consequently leads to the step-like structures. Additionally, the experimental findings were supplemented with numerical simulations of the influence of reduced damage threshold onto the position of optical breakdown.

In summary, chemical material change was defined as cause of the step-like structures. Furthermore, the parameters to avoid these structures were identified.

Klíčová slova:

Engineering and technology – Equipment – Optical equipment – Lasers – Laser beams – Optical lenses – Physical sciences – Materials science – Materials – Optical materials – Amorphous solids – Gels – Mixtures – Chemistry – Polymer chemistry – Macromolecules – Polymers – Physics – Optics – Numerical aperture – Electromagnetic radiation – Light – Light pulses


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