The genome of Alcaligenes aquatilis strain BU33N: Insights into hydrocarbon degradation capacity
Mouna Mahjoubi aff001; Habibu Aliyu aff002; Simone Cappello aff003; Mohamed Naifer aff001; Yasmine Souissi aff001; Don A. Cowan aff004; Ameur Cherif aff001
Působiště autorů:
Univ. Manouba, ISBST, BVBGR-LR11ES31, Biotechpole SidiThabet, Ariana, Tunisia
aff001; Institute of Process Engineering in Life Science 2: Technical Biology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
aff002; Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC)-CNR of Messina. Sp. San Raineri, Messina, Italy
aff003; Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
Environmental contamination with hydrocarbons though natural and anthropogenic activities is a serious threat to biodiversity and human health. Microbial bioremediation is considered as the effective means of treating such contamination. This study describes a biosurfactant producing bacterium capable of utilizing crude oil and various hydrocarbons as the sole carbon source. Strain BU33N was isolated from hydrocarbon polluted sediments from the Bizerte coast (northern Tunisia) and was identified as Alcaligenes aquatilis on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. When grown on crude oil and phenanthrene as sole carbon and energy sources, isolate BU33N was able to degrade ~86%, ~56% and 70% of TERHc, n-alkanes and phenanthrene, respectively. The draft genome sequence of the A. aquatilis strain BU33N was assembled into one scaffold of 3,838,299 bp (G+C content of 56.1%). Annotation of the BU33N genome resulted in 3,506 protein-coding genes and 56 rRNA genes. A large repertoire of genes related to the metabolism of aromatic compounds including genes encoding enzymes involved in the complete degradation of benzoate were identified. Also genes associated with resistance to heavy metals such as copper tolerance and cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance were identified in BU33N. This work provides insight into the genomic basis of biodegradation capabilities and bioremediation/detoxification potential of A. aquatilis BU33N.
Klíčová slova:
Comparative genomics – Crude oil – Genome annotation – Hydrocarbons – Pollution – Ribosomal RNA – Benzoates – Bioremediation
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