Genome-wide identification and expression profile analysis of nuclear factor Y family genes in Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)
P. Maheshwari aff001; Divya Kummari aff002; Sudhakar Reddy Palakolanu aff002; U. Nagasai Tejaswi aff003; M. Nagaraju aff001; G. Rajasheker aff001; G. Jawahar aff001; N. Jalaja aff003; P. Rathnagiri aff005; P. B. Kavi Kishor aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
aff001; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Hyderabad, India
aff002; Department of Biotechnology, Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Vadlamudi, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
aff003; Department of Biochemistry, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India
aff004; Genomix CARL Pvt. Ltd. Rayalapuram Road, Pulivendula, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India
aff005; Genomix Molecular Diagnostics Pvt Ltd., Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India
aff006; Genomix Biotech Inc., Atlanta, GA, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
Members of the plant Heme Activator Protein (HAP) or NUCLEAR FACTOR Y (NF-Y) are trimeric transcription factor complexes composed of the NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC subfamilies. They bind to the CCAAT box in the promoter regions of the target genes and regulate gene expressions. Plant NF-Ys were reported to be involved in adaptation to several abiotic stresses as well as in development. In silico analysis of Sorghum bicolor genome resulted in the identification of a total of 42 NF-Y genes, among which 8 code for the SbNF-YA, 19 for SbNF-YB and 15 for the SbNF-YC subunits. Analysis was also performed to characterize gene structures, chromosomal distribution, duplication status, protein subcellular localizations, conserved motifs, ancestral protein sequences, miRNAs and phylogenetic tree construction. Phylogenetic relationships and ortholog predictions displayed that sorghum has additional NF-YB genes with unknown functions in comparison with Arabidopsis. Analysis of promoters revealed that they harbour many stress-related cis-elements like ABRE and HSE, but surprisingly, DRE and MYB elements were not detected in any of the subfamilies. SbNF-YA1, 2, and 6 were found upregulated under 200 mM salt and 200 mM mannitol stresses. While NF-YA7 appeared associated with high temperature (40°C) stress, NF-YA8 was triggered by both cold (4°C) and high temperature stresses. Among NF-YB genes, 7, 12, 15, and 16 were induced under multiple stress conditions such as salt, mannitol, ABA, cold and high temperatures. Likewise, NF-YC 6, 11, 12, 14, and 15 were enhanced significantly in a tissue specific manner under multiple abiotic stress conditions. Majority of the mannitol (drought)-inducible genes were also induced by salt, high temperature stresses and ABA. Few of the high temperature stress-induced genes are also induced by cold stress (NF-YA2, 4, 6, 8, NF-YB2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, NF-YC4, 6, 12, and 13) thus suggesting a cross talk among them. This work paves the way for investigating the roles of diverse sorghum NF-Y proteins during abiotic stress responses and provides an insight into the evolution of diverse NF-Y members.
Klíčová slova:
Biology and life sciences – Plant science – Plant physiology – Plant defenses – Plant resistance to abiotic stress – Plant pathology – Plant ecology – Plant-environment interactions – Ecology – Organisms – Eukaryota – Plants – Grasses – Sorghum – Brassica – Arabidopsis thaliana – Computational biology – Introns – Genetics – Genomics – Genome complexity – Gene expression – Gene regulation – Biochemistry – Proteins – DNA-binding proteins – Transcription factors – Regulatory proteins – Nucleic acids – RNA – Non-coding RNA – Natural antisense transcripts – MicroRNAs – Ecology and environmental sciences – Research and analysis methods – Database and informatics methods – Bioinformatics – Sequence analysis – Sequence motif analysis – Animal studies – Experimental organism systems – Model organisms – Plant and algal models – Physical sciences – Physics – Classical mechanics – Mechanical stress – Thermal stresses
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