Respiratory variations in pulse pressure and photoplethysmographic waveform amplitude during positive expiratory pressure and continuous positive airway pressure in a model of progressive hypovolemia
Ingrid Elise Hoff aff001; Jonny Hisdal aff003; Svein Aslak Landsverk aff002; Jo Røislien aff001; Knut Arvid Kirkebøen aff004; Lars Øivind Høiseth aff002
Působiště autorů:
Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, Sentrum, Oslo, Norway
aff001; Department of Anesthesiology, Oslo University Hospital, Nydalen, Oslo, Norway
aff002; Section of Vascular Investigations, Department of Vascular Surgery, Oslo University Hospital, Nydalen, Oslo, Norway
aff003; Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo, Norway
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
Respiratory variations in pulse pressure (dPP) and photoplethysmographic waveform amplitude (dPOP) are used for evaluation of volume status in mechanically ventilated patients. Amplification of intrathoracic pressure changes may enable their use also during spontaneous breathing. We investigated the association between the degree of hypovolemia and dPP and dPOP at different levels of two commonly applied clinical interventions; positive expiratory pressure (PEP) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
20 healthy volunteers were exposed to progressive hypovolemia by lower body negative pressure (LBNP). PEP of 0 (baseline), 5 and 10 cmH2O was applied by an expiratory resistor and CPAP of 0 (baseline), 5 and 10 cmH2O by a facemask. dPP was obtained non-invasively with the volume clamp method and dPOP from a pulse oximeter. Central venous pressure was measured in 10 subjects. Associations between changes were examined using linear mixed-effects regression models.
dPP increased with progressive LBNP at all levels of PEP and CPAP. The LBNP-induced increase in dPP was amplified by PEP 10 cmH20. dPOP increased with progressive LBNP during PEP 5 and PEP 10, and during all levels of CPAP. There was no additional effect of the level of PEP or CPAP on dPOP. Progressive hypovolemia and increasing levels of PEP were reflected by increasing respiratory variations in CVP.
dPP and dPOP reflected progressive hypovolemia in spontaneously breathing healthy volunteers during PEP and CPAP. An increase in PEP from baseline to 10 cmH2O augmented the increase in dPP, but not in dPOP.
Klíčová slova:
Blood pressure – Breathing – Heart rate – Hemodynamics – stroke – Tidal volume – Resistors
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