Intra-individual variability of sleep and nocturnal cardiac autonomic activity in elite female soccer players during an international tournament
Júlio Costa aff001; Pedro Figueiredo aff002; Fábio Nakamura aff004; Vincenzo Rago aff001; António Rebelo aff001; João Brito aff002
Působiště autorů:
Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention in Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, CIFI2D, Porto, Portugal
aff001; Portugal Football School, Portuguese Football Federation, FPF, Oeiras, Portugal
aff002; Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences and Human Development, CIDESD, University Institute of Maia, ISMAI, Maia, Portugal
aff003; Associate Graduate Program in Physical Education UPE/UFPB, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
To describe individual sleeping patterns and nocturnal cardiac autonomic activity of National team female soccer players during an international tournament.
Materials and methods
Twenty elite female soccer players (aged 25.2±3.1 years) wore wrist actigraph units and heart rate (HR) monitors during night-sleep throughout 9 consecutive days (6 day-time training sessions [DT], 2 day-time matches [DM], and 1 evening-time match [EM]) of an international tournament. Training and match loads were monitored using the session-rating of perceived exertion (s-RPE) and wearable 18-Hz GPS (total distance covered [TD], training and match exposure time, and high-speed running [HSR]) to characterize training and match loads.
Individually, s-RPE, TD, exposure time, and HSR during training sessions ranged from 20 to 680 arbitrary units (AU), 892 to 5176 m, 20 to 76 min, and 80 to 1140 m, respectively. During matches, s-RPE, TD, exposure time, and HSR ranged from 149 to 876 AU, 2236 to 11210 m, 20 to 98 min, and 629 to 3213 m, respectively. Individually, players slept less than recommended (<7 hours) on several days of the tournament, especially after EM (n = 8; TST ranging between 6:00–6:54 h). Total sleep time coefficient of variation (CV) ranged between 3.1 and 18.7%. However, all players presented good sleep quality (i.e., sleep efficiency ≥75%; individual range between: 75–98%) on each day of the tournament. Most of the players presented small fluctuations in nocturnal cardiac autonomic activity (individual nocturnal heart rate variability [HRV] ranged from 3.91–5.37 ms and HRV CV ranged from 2.8–9.0%), while two players presented higher HRV CV (11.5 and 11.7%; respectively).
Overall, this study highlights the substantial individual variability in sleep and HRV measures, suggesting the adoption of an individual approach to monitor sleep, training and match loads and recovery, to better understand how players cope with highly demanding competitions.
Klíčová slova:
Biology and life sciences – Physiology – Physiological processes – Sleep – Psychology – Behavior – Recreation – Sports – Human performance – Sports science – Sports and exercise medicine – Exercise – Anatomy – Musculoskeletal system – Body limbs – Medicine and health sciences – Cardiology – Heart rate – Arms – Public and occupational health – Physical activity – Physical fitness – Social sciences – Engineering and technology – Navigation – Global positioning system – Physical sciences – Physics – Classical mechanics – Damage mechanics – Material fatigue – Materials science – Materials physics
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