Forest resilience under global environmental change: Do we have the information we need? A systematic review
Inés Ibáñez aff001; Kirk Acharya aff001; Edith Juno aff001; Christopher Karounos aff001; Benjamin R. Lee aff001; Caleb McCollum aff001; Samuel Schaffer-Morrison aff001; Jordon Tourville aff001
Působiště autorů:
School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
The capacity of forests to recover after disturbance, i.e., their resilience, determines their ability to persist and function over time. Many variables, natural and managerial, affect forest resilience. Thus, understanding their effects is critical for the development of sound forest conservation and management strategies, especially in the context of ongoing global environmental changes. We conducted a representative review, meta-analysis, of the forest literature in this topic (search terms “forest AND resilience”). We aimed to identify natural conditions that promote or jeopardize resilience, assess the efficacy of post-disturbance management practices on forest recovery, and evaluate forest resilience under current environmental changes.
We surveyed more than 2,500 articles and selected the 156 studies (724 observations) that compared and quantified forest recovery after disturbance under different contexts. Context of recovery included: resource gradients (moisture and fertility), post-disturbance biomass reduction treatments, species richness gradients, incidence of a second disturbance, and disturbance severity. Metrics of recovery varied from individual tree growth and reproduction, to population abundance, to species richness and cover. Analyses show management practices only favored recovery through increased reproduction (seed production) and abundance of recruitment stages. Higher moisture conditions favored recovery, particularly in dry temperate regions; and in boreal forests, this positive effect increased with regional humidity. Biomass reduction treatments were only effective in increasing resilience after a drought. Early recruiting plant stages benefited from increased severity, while disturbance severity was associated with lower recovery of remaining adult trees. This quantitative review provides insight into the natural conditions and management practices under which forest resilience is enhanced and highlights conditions that could jeopardize future resilience. We also identified important knowledge gaps, such as the role of diversity in determining forest resilience and the lack of data in many regions.
Klíčová slova:
Biology and life sciences – Ecology – Ecosystems – Forests – Temperate forests – Forest ecology – Ecological metrics – Species diversity – Biomass – Biodiversity – Organisms – Eukaryota – Plants – Trees – Ecology and environmental sciences – Terrestrial environments
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