Salt or fish (or salted fish)? The Bronze Age specialised sites along the Tyrrhenian coast of Central Italy: New insights from Caprolace settlement
Luca Alessandri aff001; Katia F. Achino aff002; Peter A. J. Attema aff001; Majoi de Novaes Nascimento aff003; Maurizio Gatta aff004; Mario F. Rolfo aff005; Jan Sevink aff006; Gianluca Sottili aff007; Wouter van Gorp aff001
Působiště autorů:
Groningen Institute of Archaeology, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
aff001; Department of Prehistory, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain
aff002; Institute for Global Ecology, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida
aff003; Department of Archaeology, University of York, York, England, United Kingdom
aff004; Department of History, Culture and Society, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
aff005; Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
aff006; Earth Sciences Department, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
In 2017, an excavation led by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology and in collaboration with the Tor Vergata University of Rome, took place on two small islands in the Caprolace lagoon (Sabaudia, Italy), where Middle Bronze Age layers had previously been reported. Combining the results of an environmental reconstruction of the surroundings and a detailed study of the pottery assemblages, we were able to trace a specialised area on the southern island, in all probability devoted to salt production by means of the briquetage technique. The latter basically consists of boiling a brine through which a salt cake is obtained. The technique was widespread all over Europe, from Neolithic to Roman Times. Since the evidence points to an elite-driven workshop, this result has deep implications for the development of the Bronze Age socio-economic framework of Central Italy. Pottery evidence also suggests that in the Bronze Age sites along the Tyrrhenian coast of Central Italy where briquetage has already been hypothesised, more complex processes may have taken place. On the northern island, we collected a large number of so-called pedestals, which are characteristic features of briquetage, while chemical analyses point to salt or fish sauce production, like the roman liquamen, in a Middle Bronze Age domestic context.
Klíčová slova:
Archaeology – Ceramics – Crystals – Islands – Italian people – Lagoons – Sediment – Salting out
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