Implementation and effectiveness of non-specialist mediated interventions for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Sadiq Naveed aff001; Ahmed Waqas aff002; Afshan Naz Amray aff003; Raheel Imtiaz Memon aff004; Nisma Javed aff005; Muhammad Annas Tahir aff006; Sherief Ghozy aff007; Nusrat Jahan aff008; Anum Saeed Khan aff009; Atif Rahman aff010
Působiště autorů:
Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, United States of America
aff001; Human Development Research Foundation, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
aff002; Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan
aff003; Henry Ford Allegiance Health, Jackson, MI, United States of America
aff004; Services Institute of medical sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
aff005; Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, New York City, New York, United States of America
aff006; Neurosurgery Department, El-Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital, Giza, Egypt
aff007; Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, United States of America
aff008; Westchester Medical Center-New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, United States of America
aff009; University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
In recent years, several non-specialist mediated interventions have been developed and tested to address problematic symptoms associated with autism. These can be implemented with a fraction of cost required for specialist delivered interventions. This review represents a robust evidence of clinical effectiveness of these interventions in improving the social, motor and communication deficits among children with autism.
An electronic search was conducted in eight academic databases from their inception to 31st December 2018. A total of 31 randomized controlled trials were published post-2010 while only 2 were published prior to it. Outcomes pertaining to communication, social skills and caregiver-child relationship were meta-analyzed when reported in > 2 studies.
A significant improvement was noted in child distress (SMD = 0.55), communication (SMD = 0.23), expressive language (SMD = 0.47), joint engagement (SMD = 0.63), motor skills (SMD = 0.25), parental distress (SMD = 0.33) parental self-efficacy (SMD = 0.42) parent-child relationship (SMD = 0.67) repetitive behaviors (SMD = 0.33), self-regulation (SMD = 0.54), social skills (SMD = 0.53) symptom severity (SMD = 0.44) and visual reception (SMD = 0.29).
Non-specialist mediated interventions for autism spectrum disorder demonstrate effectiveness across a range of outcomes for children with autism and their caregivers.
Klíčová slova:
Autism – Autism spectrum disorder – Behavior – Children – Language – Parenting behavior – Social communication – Teachers
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