Long-term high-grain diet altered the ruminal pH, fermentation, and composition and functions of the rumen bacterial community, leading to enhanced lactic acid production in Japanese Black beef cattle during fattening
Toru Ogata aff001; Hiroki Makino aff002; Naoki Ishizuka aff002; Eiji Iwamoto aff003; Tatsunori Masaki aff003; Kentaro Ikuta aff004; Yo-Han Kim aff002; Shigeru Sato aff001
Působiště autorů:
United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
aff001; Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan
aff002; Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Hyogo, Japan
aff003; Awaji Agricultural Technology Center, Minami-Awaji, Hyogo, Japan
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
To increase intramuscular fat accumulation, Japanese Black cattle are commonly fed a high-grain diet from 10 to 30 months of age although it can result in the abnormal accumulation of organic acids in the rumen. We explored the effect of long-term high-concentrate diet feeding on ruminal pH and fermentation, and its effect on the rumen bacterial community in Japanese Black beef cattle during a 20-month fattening period. Nine castrated and fistulated Japanese Black beef cattle were housed with free access to food and water throughout the study period (10–30 months of age). The fattening stages included Early, Middle, and Late stages (10–14, 15–22, and 23–30 months of age, respectively). Cattle were fed high-concentrate diets for the experimental cattle during fattening. The body weight of the cattle was 439 ± 7.6, 561 ± 11.6, and 712 ± 18.5 kg (mean ± SE) during the Early, Middle, and Late stages, respectively. Ruminal pH was measured continuously during the final 7 days of each stage, and rumen fluid and blood samples were collected on day 4 (fourth day during the final 7 days of the pH measurements). The 24-h mean ruminal pH during the Late stage was significantly lower than that during the Early stage. Total volatile fatty acid (VFA) during the Late stage was significantly lower than during the Early and Middle stages, but no changes were noted in individual VFA components. The lactic acid concentration during the Late stage was significantly higher than that during the Early and Middle stages. The bacterial richness indices decreased significantly during the Late stage in accordance with the 24-h mean ruminal pH. Among the 35 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) shared by all samples, the relative abundances of OTU8 (Family Ruminococcaceae) and OTU26 (Genus Butyrivibrio) were positively correlated with the 24-h mean ruminal pH. Total VFA concentration was negatively correlated with OTU167 (Genus Intestinimonas), and lactic acid concentration was correlated positively with OTU167 and OTU238 (Family Lachnospiraceae). These results suggested that long-term high-grain diet feeding gradually lowers ruminal pH and total VFA production during the Late fattening stage. However, the ruminal bacterial community adapted to feeding management and the lower pH during the Late stage by preserving their diversity or altering their richness, composition, and function, to enhance lactic acid production in Japanese Black beef cattle.
Klíčová slova:
Beef – Cattle – Diet – Fermentation – Lactic acid – Ruminococcus – Sequence databases – Shannon index
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