Quality control of cervical cytology using a 3-type HPV mRNA test increases screening program sensitivity of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ in young Norwegian women—A cohort study
Bjørn Westre aff001; Anita Giske aff001; Hilde Guttormsen aff001; Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye aff002; Finn Egil Skjeldestad aff003
Působiště autorů:
Department of Pathology, Ålesund Hospital, Møre and Romsdal Health Trust, Ålesund, Norway
aff001; Department of Clinical Pathology, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway
aff002; Research Group Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases, Department of Community Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Within 2021, Norway intends to complete implementation of HPV DNA-based primary screening for cervical cancer for women 34–69 years, while continue cytology-based screening for women 25–33 years. Over the recent years, the incidence of cervical cancer has increased by 30% among women younger than 40 years. In this subset of women, nearly 30% were diagnosed with a normal smear, as most recent smear, prior the cancer diagnosis. This observation demands quality control of normal smears. The aim of this study was to assess increase in program sensitivity of CIN2+ after follow-up of women with false negative Pap-smears testing positive for a 3-type (-16, -18, -45) HPV mRNA test in a cohort design over one screening interval. 521 women, aged 23–39 years, and no prior history of CIN1+ or HSIL, with an ASC-US or worse smear (ASC-US+) and 1444 women with normal screening cytology comprised the study cohorts. The positivity rate for the 3-type HPV mRNA was 1.9% (28/1444). Rescreening revealed 23 women with ASC-US, two women with LSIL, two women with ASC-H, and one woman with AGUS. If the HPV mRNA-positivity rate and histology findings from samples rescreened were applied to all women with normal cytology, an estimated increase in screening sensitivity of 16.4% (95% CI:15.3–17.5) for CIN2+ and 17.3% (95% CI:16.2–18.4) for CIN3+ were achieved. By rescreening less than 2% of women with normal cytology positive for a 3-type HPV mRNA test, we achieved a significant increase in screening program sensitivity.
Klíčová slova:
Biopsy – Cancer detection and diagnosis – Cancer screening – Carcinogenesis – Cervical cancer – Cytology – Human papillomavirus – Lesions
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