Population genetic analysis of 36 Y-chromosomal STRs yields comprehensive insights into the forensic features and phylogenetic relationship of Chinese Tai-Kadai-speaking Bouyei
Ya Luo aff001; Yan Wu aff002; Enfang Qian aff001; Qian Wang aff002; Qiyan Wang aff001; Hongling Zhang aff001; Xiaojuan Wang aff001; Han Zhang aff001; Meiqing Yang aff001; Jingyan Ji aff001; Zheng Ren aff001; Ying Zhang aff002; Jing Tang aff002; Jiang Huang aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Forensic Medicine, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China
aff001; Guiyang Judicial Expertise Center of Public Security, Guiyang, Guizhou, China
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Male-specifically inherited Y-STRs, harboring the features of haploidy and lack of crossing over, have gained considerable attention in population genetics and forensic investigations. Goldeneye® Y-PLUS kit was a recently developed amplification system focused on the genetic diversity of 36 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) in East Asians. However, no population data and corresponding forensic features were reported in China. Here, 36 Y-STRs were first genotyped in 400 unrelated healthy Tai-Kadai-speaking Bouyei male individuals. A total of 371 alleles and 396 haplotypes could be detected, and the allelic frequencies ranged from 0.0025 to 0.9875. The haplotype diversity, random match probability and discrimination capacity values were 0.9999, 0.0026 and 0.9900, respectively. The gene diversity (GD) of 36 Y-STR loci in the studied group ranged from 0.0248 (DYS645) to 0.9601 (DYS385a/b). Population comparisons between the Guizhou Bouyei and 80 reference groups were performed via the AMOVA, MDS, and phylogenetic relationship reconstruction. The results showed that the population stratification was almost consistent with the geographic distribution and language-family, both among Chinese and worldwide ethnic groups. Our newly genotyped Bouyei samples show a close affinity with other Tai-Kadai-speaking groups in China and Southeast Asia. Our data may provide useful information for paternal lineage in the forensic application and population genetics, as well as evidence for archaeological and historical research.
Klíčová slova:
Forensics – Genetic loci – Han Chinese people – Haplotypes – China – Chinese people – Phylogeography – Population genetics
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