Location, location, location: Close ties among older continuing care retirement community residents
Liat Ayalon aff001; Inbal Yahav aff002
Působiště autorů:
Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University, Israel
aff001; Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
This study examines two theoretical explanations for the existence of close ties among continuing care retirement community residents: the attractiveness theory, which suggests that residents who possess certain attributes are more likely to be perceived as appealing to others; and the homophily theory, which argues that individuals are more likely to have close ties with people who share similar attributes. As a variant of the homophily theory, we also examined whether sharing a physical location makes the existence of certain connections more likely. Data from four continuing care retirement communities were used. To test the attractiveness theory, correlations between the number of individuals who named a person as a significant contact (ego’s in-degree) and ego attributes were examined. To test the homophily theory, the median value of existing ties was compared against all possible social ties as though they were randomly formed. Finally, to further test the role of the institutional culture against various motivations that drive social ties—attractiveness and homophily—we used link prediction models with random forests. In support of the homophily theory, beyond the institutional culture, the only consistent predictor of the existence of close ties among residents was sharing a wing in the retirement community (geographic proximity). Therefore, we discuss the role of the physical location in the lives of older adults.
Klíčová slova:
Behavioral and social aspects of health – Cognitive impairment – Elderly – Long-term care – Social networks – Social research – Social status
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