Assessing the feasibility of a life history calendar to measure HIV risk and health in older South Africans
Enid Schatz aff001; Lucia Knight aff003; Robert F. Belli aff004; Sanyu A. Mojola aff005
Působiště autorů:
Department of Public Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, United States of America
aff001; MRC/Wits Rural Health and Health Transitions Unit (Agincourt), School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
aff002; School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, Belville, South Africa
aff003; Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States of America
aff004; Department of Sociology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America
aff005; Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America
aff006; Office of Population Research, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Life history calendars capture patterns of behavior over time, uncovering transitions and trajectories. Despite the growing numbers of older persons living with HIV in southern Africa, little is known about how HIV testing and risk unfold in this population. Operationalizing a life course approach with the use of an innovative Testing and Risk History Calendar [TRHC], we collected pilot data on older South Africans’ risk and HIV testing. We found older persons were able to provide (1) reference points to facilitate recall over a 10-year period, (2) specifics about HIV tests during that decade, and (3) details that contextualize the testing data, such as living arrangements, relationships, and health status. Interviewer debriefing sessions after each interview captured information on context and links across domains. On a larger scale, the TRHC has potential to reveal pathways between sexual behavior, HIV testing and risk perception, and health at older ages.
Klíčová slova:
Aging – Elderly – Epidemiology of aging – HIV – HIV diagnosis and management – HIV epidemiology – Interpersonal relationships – Memory recall
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