Tanopicobia gen. nov., a new genus of quill mites, its phylogenetic placement in the subfamily Picobiinae (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) and picobiine relationships with avian hosts
Maciej Skoracki aff001; Bozena Sikora aff001; Leszek Jerzak aff003; Martin Hromada aff002
Působiště autorů:
Department of Animal Morphology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
aff001; Laboratory and Museum of Evolutionary Ecology, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Presov, Prešov, Slovakia
aff002; Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
A new monotypic genus Tanopicobia gen. nov. is established for a new species Tanopicobia trachyphoni sp. nov., parasitizing Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Cabanis, 1878 (Piciformes: Lybiidae) from Tanzania. In phylogenetic analyses based on morphological data and constructed using the maximum parsimony approach, this taxon falls within the subfamily Picobiinae Johnston and Kethley, 1973 in the Neopicobia-species-group as closely related to the genus Pipicobia Glowska and Schmidt, 2014. Tanopicobia differs from Pipicobia by the following features in females: genital setae absent; setae ve are situated far and posteromedial to the level of setal bases vi; setae 3a are thick and knobbed. Additionally, a new generic key for subfamily Picobiinae is constructed and general host-parasite ecological and phylogenetic relationships are discussed. Picobiines are present in several lineages of neoavian birds, from basal Galloanseres to terminal Telluraves, which are infested by 70 (89.7% of all) species of these ectoparasites.
Klíčová slova:
Animal phylogenetics – Birds – Feathers – Host-pathogen interactions – Mites – New species reports – Passerines – Phylogenetic analysis
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