The regenerative compatibility: A synergy between healthy ecosystems, environmental attitudes, and restorative experiences
Matteo Giusti aff001; Karl Samuelsson aff002
Působiště autorů:
Department of Building Engineering, Energy Systems and Sustainability Science, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden
aff001; Department of Geospatial and Computer Sciences, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Urban nature is and will be the most common provider of nature interactions for humankind. The restorative benefits of nature exposure are renown and creating human habitats that simultaneously support people’s wellbeing and ecological sustainability is an urgent priority. In this study, we investigate how the relationship between environmental attitudes and healthy ecosystems influences restorative experiences combining a place-based online survey with geographical data on ecosystem health in Stockholm (Sweden). Using spatial regression, we predict the 544 restorative experiences (from 325 respondents), with people’s environmental attitudes, natural land covers, ecosystem health, and the statistical interactions among these variables as predictors. Our results show that restorative experiences can happen anywhere in the urban landscape, but when they occur in natural environments, the combined levels of biodiversity and ecological connectivity are better predicting factor than the mere presence of nature. That is, healthy ecosystems seem to be more important than just any nature for restorative experiences. Moreover, the statistical interaction between one’s environmental attitudes and natural environments predict almost all restorative experiences better than when these variables are independent predictors. This suggests that there is synergistic compatibility between environmental attitudes and healthy ecosystems that triggers restorative processes. We call this synergy regenerative compatibility. Regenerative compatibility is an unexploited potential that emerges when people’s attitudes and ecosystems are aligned in sustainability. We consider regenerative compatibility a valuable leverage point to transform towards ecologically sustainable and healthy urban systems. To this end, we encourage multifaceted policy interventions that regenerate human-nature relationships holistically rather than implement atomistic solutions.
Klíčová slova:
Ecosystems – Environmental health – Forecasting – Habitats – Relaxation (psychology) – Urban ecology – Urban ecosystems – Urban environments
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