From seed to flour: Sowing sustainability in the use of cantaloupe melon residue (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus)
Josiane Araújo da Cunha aff001; Priscilla Moura Rolim aff002; Karla Suzanne Florentino da Silva Chaves Damasceno aff001; Francisco Canindé de Sousa Júnior aff001; Roseane Claro Nabas aff002; Larissa Mont’Alverne Jucá Seabra aff001
Působiště autorů:
Postgraduate Program in Nutrition, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
aff001; Nutrition Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Reduction of waste from food industry and food services is a current concern due to the large amount of waste generated, including peels and fruit seeds. The objective of this study was to obtain a flour produced from Cantaloupe melon seeds (Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus) and to evaluate the viability of using the product as an ingredient in cake manufacturing. In this study, different formulations were developed: standard cake—0% (F1) and cakes containing melon seed flour as substitute of wheat flour in 10% (F2), 30% (F3), and 50% (F4) concentrations. Centesimal composition, dietary fibre, structural and morphological characterization, determination of mineral composition, and evaluation of fatty acids profile in melon seed flour were carried out. To determine the overall acceptance of cake formulations, sensory analysis was performed with 135 non-trained panelists, which also included the identification of sensorial attributes using the Just About Right ideal scale test. The results showed that the melon seed flour has considerable nutritional value, with 18% proteins, 3% moisture, 4% ash, 30% lipids, and 35% dietary fibre. Melon flour also has a significantly high content of minerals, mainly phosphorus (1507.62 mg/100 g), potassium (957.35 mg/100 g), and magnesium (504.03 mg/100 g). The polyunsaturated fatty acid fraction was the most abundant in melon seed flour, with predominance of omega-6 fatty acids (17.95 g/mg of sample). Sensorial analysis disclosed good acceptance for formulations containing 10% and 30% of melon seed flour, with the 10% formulation being the most accepted. The research showed the feasibility of using the melon seed flour in cake production, as well as the possibility of using food waste in restaurants and food industries in order to adhere to sustainable production actions.
Klíčová slova:
Fatty acids – Flour – Lipids – Magnesium – Melons – Seeds – Wheat – Crystallization seeding
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