Dissection of flag leaf metabolic shifts and their relationship with those occurring simultaneously in developing seed by application of non-targeted metabolomics
Chaoyang Hu aff001; Jun Rao aff003; Yue Song aff004; Shen-An Chan aff004; Takayuki Tohge aff005; Bo Cui aff002; Hong Lin aff002; Alisdair R. Fernie aff005; Dabing Zhang aff002; Jianxin Shi aff002
Působiště autorů:
Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Zhejiang Province, Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology of Ministry of Education, School of Marine Sciences, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
aff001; Joint International Research Laboratory of Metabolic & Developmental Sciences, SJTU-University of Adelaide Joint Centre for Agriculture and Health, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
aff002; Jiangxi Cancer Hospital, Nanchang, China
aff003; Agilent Technologies Incorporated Company, Shanghai, China
aff004; Central Metabolism Group, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Golm, Germany
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Rice flag leaves are major source organs providing more than half of the nutrition needed for rice seed development. The dynamic metabolic changes in rice flag leaves and the detailed metabolic relationship between source and sink organs in rice, however, remain largely unknown. In this study, the metabolic changes of flag leaves in two japonica and two indica rice cultivars were investigated using non-targeted metabolomics approach. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that flag leaf metabolomes varied significantly depending on both species and developmental stage. Only a few of the metabolites in flag leaves displayed the same change pattern across the four tested cultivars along the process of seed development. Further association analysis found that levels of 45 metabolites in seeds that are associated with human nutrition and health correlated significantly with their levels in flag leaves. Comparison of metabolomics of flag leaves and seeds revealed that some flavonoids were specific or much higher in flag leaves while some lipid metabolites such as phospholipids were much higher in seeds. This reflected not only the function of the tissue specific metabolism but also the different physiological properties and metabolic adaptive features of these two tissues.
Klíčová slova:
Amino acid metabolism – Carbohydrate metabolism – Carbohydrates – Leaves – Lipid metabolism – Metabolites – Rice – Seeds
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