Evaluating poverty alleviation strategies in a developing country
Pramod K. Singh aff001; Harpalsinh Chudasama aff001
Působiště autorů:
Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Anand, Gujarat, India
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
A slew of participatory and community-demand-driven approaches have emerged in order to address the multi-dimensional nature of poverty in developing nations. The present study identifies critical factors responsible for poverty alleviation in India with the aid of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) deployed for showcasing causal reasoning. It is through FCM-based simulations that the study evaluates the efficacy of existing poverty alleviation approaches, including community organisation based micro-financing, capability and social security, market-based and good governance. Our findings confirm, to some degree, the complementarity of various approaches to poverty alleviation that need to be implemented simultaneously for a comprehensive poverty alleviation drive. FCM-based simulations underscore the need for applying an integrated and multi-dimensional approach incorporating elements of various approaches for eradicating poverty, which happens to be a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Besides, the study offers policy implications for the design, management, and implementation of poverty eradication programmes. On the methodological front, the study enriches FCM literature in the areas of knowledge capture, sample adequacy, and robustness of the dynamic system model.
Klíčová slova:
Centrality – Cognition – Finance – Health care policy – Social cognition – Welfare (social security) – economic growth – Economics of poverty
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