Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis of clinical signs for screening of convergence insufficiency in young adults
Byeong-Yeon Moon aff001; Sang-Yeob Kim aff001; Dong-Sik Yu aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Optometry, Kangwon National University, Samcheok, Korea
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 15(1)
Research Article
Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a dysfunction of binocular vision that is associated with various signs and symptoms in near work. However, CI screening is performed less frequently in adults than in children. We aimed to evaluate the ability of screening tests to discriminate CI from other binocular vision anomalies and normal binocular vision in young adults. One hundred eighty-four university students (age, 18–28 years) who underwent an eye examination due to ocular discomfort were included. Near point of convergence (NPC), phoria, accommodative amplitude, fusional vergence, the ratio of accommodative convergence to accommodation, relative accommodation, binocular accommodative facility, vergence facility, and the values corresponding to Sheard’s and Percival’s criteria were evaluated. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis for each test was also performed. The prevalence of CI ranged from 10.3% to 21.2%, depending on the signs and the presence of CI associated with accommodative disorders. Assessments based on NPC, Sheard’s criterion, and Percival’s criterion showed high discriminative ability, with the ability being higher between the CI and normal binocular vision groups than between the CI and non-CI groups. Sheard’s criterion showed the highest diagnostic performance in discriminating CI with three signs from the non-CI group. The cut-off values were 7.2 cm for NPC, -0.23 to 1.00 for Sheard’s criterion, and -4.00 to -2.33 for Percival’s criterion. Our results suggest that the use of Sheard’s criterion with NPC shows high performance for screening of CI.
Klíčová slova:
Binocular vision – Diagnostic medicine – Eyes – Ophthalmology – Prisms – Signs and symptoms – Vision – Young adults
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