The synergistic effects of TaAGP.L-B1 and TaSSIVb-D mutations in wheat lead to alterations of gene expression patterns and starch content in grain development
Shunlin Zhang aff001; Huijun Guo aff001; Ahsan Irshad aff001; Yongdun Xie aff001; Linshu Zhao aff001; Hongchun Xiong aff001; Jiayu Gu aff001; Shirong Zhao aff001; Yuping Ding aff001; Luxiang Liu aff001
Působiště autorů:
Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Engineering Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding, National Center of Space Mutagenesis for Crop Improvement, Beijing, China
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Starch is synthesized from a series of reactions catalyzed by enzymes. ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) initiates the synthesis pathway and synthesizes ADP-glucose, the substrate of starch synthase (SS), of which SSIV is an isoform. Mutations of the AGPase subunit and SSIV-coding genes affect starch content and cause variation in the number of granules. Here, we pyramided the functional mutation alleles of the AGPase subunit gene TaAGP.L-B1 and the SSIV-coding gene TaSSIVb-D to elucidate their synergistic effects on other key starch biosynthesis genes and their impact on starch content. Both the TaAGP.L-B1 and TaSSIVb-D genes were expressed in wheat grain development, and the expression level of TaAGP.L-B1 was higher than that of TaSSIVb-D. The TaAGP.L-B1 gene was downregulated in the agp.L-B1 single and agp.L-B1/ssIV-D double mutants at 12 to 18 days after flowering (DAF). TaSSIVb-D expression was significantly reduced at 6 DAF in both ssIV-D single and double mutants. In the agp.L-B1/ssIV-D double mutant, TaGBSSII was upregulated, while TaAGPSS, TaSSI, and TaSBEII were downregulated. Under the interaction of these genes, the total starch and amylopectin contents were significantly decreased in agp.L-B1 and agp.L-B1/ssIV-D mutants. The results suggested that the mutations of TaAGP.L-B1 and TaSSIVb-D genes resulted in variation in the expression patterns of the other four starch synthetic genes and led to a reduction in starch and amylopectin contents. These mutants could be used further as germplasm for resistant starch analysis.
Klíčová slova:
Biosynthesis – Enzymes – Gene expression – Genetically modified plants – Mutation – Point mutation – Starches – Wheat
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