Attitudes and perceptions towards hypoglycaemia in patients with diabetes mellitus: A multinational cross-sectional study
Abdallah Y. Naser aff001; Ian C. K. Wong aff001; Cate Whittlesea aff001; Hassan Alwafi aff001; Amjad Abuirmeileh aff002; Zahra Khalil Alsairafi aff004; Fawaz Mohammad Turkistani aff005; Nedaa Saud Bokhari aff005; Maedeh Y. Beykloo aff001; Dalal Al-Taweel aff004; Mai B. Almane aff006; Li Wei aff001
Působiště autorů:
Research Department of Practice and Policy, UCL School of Pharmacy, London, the UK
aff001; Isra University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Amman, Jordan
aff002; Centre for Safe Medication Practice and Research, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
aff003; Department of Pharmacy Practice, Kuwait University, Kuwait, Kuwait
aff004; Alnoor hospital, Ministry of Health, Mecca, Saudi Arabia
aff005; Sabah Al-Ahmad Cardiology Center Pharmacy, Al Amiri Hospital, Kuwait, Kuwait
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Preventing hypoglycaemia is an essential component of diabetes self-management that is affected by patients’ attitudes and perceptions. This study aimed to explore the hypoglycaemia problem-solving ability of patients who have diabetes mellitus and factors that determine their attitudes and perceptions towards their previous events.
A cross-sectional study was conducted between October 2017 and May 2018 in three Arab countries (Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) in patients with diabetes mellitus, who were prescribed antidiabetic therapy and had experienced hypoglycaemic events in the past six months. The Hypoglycaemia Problem-Solving Scale was used in this study. This scale contains two subscales, problem orientation (six questions) and problem-solving skills (eighteen questions), using a five-point Likert scale (range 0–4). Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify predictors of hypoglycaemia problem-solving abilities.
A total of 895 patients participated in this study from the three countries (300 in Jordan, 302 in Saudi Arabia, and 293 in Kuwait). The average age of the patients was 53.5 years (standard deviation = 13.7) and 52.4% (n = 469) were males. Patients had moderate overall problem-solving ability with a median score of 63.00 (interquartile range = 13.00). Patients’ problem-solving skills score (68.1%) was better than their problem-orientation skills score (58.3%). The highest sub-scale scores were for detection control, setting problem-solving goals, and evaluating strategies, 75.0%. The lowest sub-scale score was for problem-solving perception and immediate management, 50.0%. Older age, being educated, being married, having T2DM, prescribed insulin therapy, and not having been admitted to hospital for hypoglycaemia were important predictors of patients’ problem-solving ability (p < 0.05).
Healthcare professionals are advised to provide more education to patients on how to self-manage hypoglycaemic events. Specifically, they should focus on the overall problem-solving perception of hypoglycaemia and its immediate management.
Klíčová slova:
Arabic people – Educational attainment – Health education and awareness – Insulin – Language – Patients – Questionnaires
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