Integrating a gait analysis test in hospital rehabilitation: A service design approach
Javier Marín aff001; Teresa Blanco aff003; José J. Marín aff001; Alejandro Moreno aff001; Elena Martitegui aff006; Juan C. Aragüés aff006
Působiště autorů:
IDERGO (Research and Development in Ergonomics) Research Group, I3A (Aragon Institute of Engineering Research), University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
aff001; Department of Design and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
aff002; HOWLab (Human Openware Research Lab) Research Group, I3A, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
aff003; GeoSpatiumLab, S.L. Zaragoza, Spain
aff004; Department of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
aff005; Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine Service, HUMS (Miguel Servet University Hospital), Zaragoza, Spain
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Gait analysis with motion capture (MoCap) during rehabilitation can provide objective information to facilitate treatment decision making. However, designing a test to be integrated into healthcare services requires considering multiple design factors. The difficulty of integrating a ‘micro-service’ (gait test) within a ‘macro-service’ (healthcare service) has received little attention in the gait analysis literature. It is a challenge that goes beyond the gait analysis case study because service design methods commonly focus on the entire service design (macro-level).
This study aims to extract design considerations and generate guidelines to integrate MoCap technology for gait analysis in the hospital rehabilitation setting. Specifically, the aim is to design a gait test to assess the response of the applied treatments through pre- and post-measurement sessions.
We focused on patients with spasticity who received botulinum toxin treatment. A qualitative research design was used to investigate the integration of a gait analysis system based on inertial measurement units in a rehabilitation service at a reference hospital. The methodological approach was based on contrasted methodologies from the service design field, which materialise through observation techniques (during system use), semi-structured interviews, and workshops with healthcare professionals (13 patients, 10 ‘proxies’, and 6 doctors).
The analysis resulted in six themes: (1) patients’ understanding, (2) guiding the gait tests, (3) which professionals guide the gait tests, (4) gait test reports, (5) requesting gait tests (doctors and test guide communication), and the (6) conceptual design of the service with the gait test.
The extracted design considerations and guidelines increase the applicability and usefulness of the gait analysis technology, improving the link between technologists and healthcare professionals. The proposed methodological approach can also be useful for service design teams that deal with the integration of one service into another.
Klíčová slova:
Botulinum toxin – Decision making – Gait analysis – Medical doctors – Physicians – Qualitative studies – Walking – Gait rehabilitation
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