Separating the effects of temperature and carbon allocation on the diel pattern of soil respiration in the different phenological stages in dry grasslands
János Balogh aff001; Szilvia Fóti aff001; Marianna Papp aff001; Krisztina Pintér aff001; Zoltán Nagy aff001
Působiště autorů:
Institute of Botany and Ecophysiology, Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary
aff001; MTA-SZIE Agroecology Research Group, Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Diel variability of soil respiration is influenced by several factors including temperature and carbon allocation as the most significant ones, co-varying on multiple time scales. In an attempt to disentangle their effects we analyzed the dynamics of soil respiration components using data from a three-year soil respiration study. We measured CO2 efflux in intact, root-excluded and root- and mycorrhizal fungi excluded plots and analyzed the diel variability in different phenological stages. We used sine wave models to describe the diel pattern of soil respiration and to disentangle the effects of temperature from belowground carbon allocation based on the differences between component dynamics inferred from the fitted models. Rhizospheric respiration peaked 8–12 hours after GPP peak, while mycorrhizal fungi respiration had a longer time lag of 13–20 hours. Results of δ13CO2 isotopic signals from the respiration components showed similar patterns. It was found that drought affected the component respiration rates differently. Also, the speed and the amount of carbon allocation to the roots as well as to the mycorrhizal fungi was reduced under drought. We conclude that the diel variability of soil respiration is the result of the integrated patterns of temperature- and carbon allocation-driven components in dry grasslands and their share depends on their phenological stages and stress state.
Klíčová slova:
Carbon dioxide – Ecosystems – Fungi – Grasslands – Rhizosphere – Sine waves – Soil respiration – Carbon sink
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