Self-reported and experimentally induced self-disgust is heightened in Parkinson’s disease: Contribution of behavioural symptoms
Marianna Tsatali aff001; Paul G. Overton aff002; Ana B. Vivas aff003
Působiště autorů:
South East European Research Center, SEERC, Thessaloniki, Greece
aff001; Psychology Department, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
aff002; Psychology Department, The University of Sheffield International Faculty, City College, Thessaloniki, Greece
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is associated with deficits in the recognition and expression of basic emotions, although self-reported levels of the self-conscious emotions shame and embarrassment are higher. However, one self-conscious emotion—self-disgust–which has been shown to have a negative impact on psychological wellbeing, has not been investigated in PD before. Here we employed self-report measures of self-conscious emotions, and an emotion induction paradigm involving images of the self, and narrated personal vignettes of instances when patients with PD (and controls) found themselves disgusting. We found that self-reported and induced levels of self-disgust were higher in PD patients than in matched controls, and that trait self-disgust was specifically related to disorders of impulse control in PD patients. Given the link between self-disgust and impaired psychological wellbeing, and the prevalence of anxiety and depression in PD, self-disgust might make a useful therapeutic target for psychological interventions in the condition.
Klíčová slova:
Anxiety – Cognitive impairment – Depression – Emotions – Face recognition – Impulsivity – Parkinson disease – Patients
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