EMR-integrated minimal core dataset for routine health care and multiple research settings: A case study for neuroinflammatory demyelinating diseases
Sophia von Martial aff001; Tobias J. Brix aff001; Luisa Klotz aff002; Philipp Neuhaus aff001; Klaus Berger aff003; Clemens Warnke aff004; Sven G. Meuth aff002; Heinz Wiendl aff002; Martin Dugas aff001
Působiště autorů:
Institute of Medical Informatics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
aff001; Department of Neurology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
aff002; Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
aff003; Department of Neurology, University of Köln, Köln, Germany
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Although routine health care and clinical trials usually require the documentation of similar information, data collection is performed independently from each other, resulting in redundant documentation efforts. Standardizing routine documentation can enable secondary use for medical research. Neuroinflammatory demyelinating diseases (NIDs) represent a heterogeneous group of diseases requiring further research to improve patient management. The aim of this work is to develop, implement and evaluate a minimal core dataset in routine health care with a focus on secondary use as case study for NIDs. Therefore, a draft minimal core dataset for NIDs was created by analyzing routine, clinical trial, registry, biobank documentation and existing data standards for NIDs. Data elements (DEs) were converted into the standard format Operational Data Model, semantically annotated and analyzed via frequency analysis. The analysis produced 1958 DEs based on 864 distinct medical concepts. After review and finalization by an interdisciplinary team of neurologists, epidemiologists and medical computer scientists, the minimal core dataset (NID CDEs) consists of 46 common DEs capturing disease-specific information for reuse in the discharge letter and other research settings. It covers the areas of diagnosis, laboratory results, disease progress, expanded disability status scale, therapy and magnetic resonance imaging findings. NID CDEs was implemented in two German university hospitals and a usability study in clinical routine was conducted (participants n = 16) showing a good usability (Mean SUS = 75). From May 2017 to February 2018, 755 patients were documented with the NID CDEs, which indicates the feasibility of developing a minimal core dataset for structured documentation based on previously used documentation standards and integrating the dataset into clinical routine. By sharing, translating and reusing the minimal dataset, a transnational harmonized documentation of patients with NIDs might be realized, supporting interoperability in medical research.
Klíčová slova:
Clinical trials – Electronic medical records – Magnetic resonance imaging – Medicine and health sciences – Multiple sclerosis – Outpatients – Physicians – Coding mechanisms
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