Bridging solvent molecules mediate RNase A – Ligand binding
Stefan M. Ivanov aff001; Ivan Dimitrov aff001; Irini A. Doytchinova aff001
Působiště autorů:
Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Due to its high catalytic activity and readily available supply, ribonuclease A (RNase A) has become a pivotal enzyme in the history of protein science. Moreover, this great interest has carried over to computational chemistry and molecular dynamics, where RNase A has become a model system for various types of studies, all the while being an important drug design target in its own right. Here, we present a detailed molecular dynamics study of RNase–ligand binding involving 22 compounds, spanning nearly five orders of magnitude in affinity, and totaling 8.8 μs of sampling with the standard Amber parameters and an additional 8.8 μs of sampling with a modified potential. We show that short-lived, solvent-mediated bridging interactions are crucial to RNase–ligand binding. We characterize the behavior of bridging solvent molecules, uncovering a power-law dependence between the lifetime of a solvent bridge and the probability of its occurrence. We also demonstrate that from an energetic perspective, bridging solvent in RNase A–ligand binding behaves like part of the enzyme, rather than the ligands. Moreover, we describe an automated pipeline for the detection and processing of bridging interactions, and offer an independent assessment of the performance of the state-of-the-art fixed-charge force fields. Thus, our work has broad implications for drug design and computational chemistry in general.
Klíčová slova:
Crystal structure – Lysine – Oxygen – Phosphates – Protein interactions – Ribonucleases – Sodium – Arginine
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