Genetic diversity and population structure of the Mediterranean sesame core collection with use of genome-wide SNPs developed by double digest RAD-Seq
Merve Basak aff001; Bulent Uzun aff001; Engin Yol aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
The Mediterranean sesame core collection contains agro-morphologically superior sesame accessions from geographically diverse regions in four continents. In the present investigation, the genetic diversity and population structure of this collection was analyzed with 5292 high-quality SNPs discovered by double-digest restriction site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing, a cost-effective and flexible next-generation sequencing method. The genetic distance between pairs of accessions varied from 0.023 to 0.524. The gene diversity was higher in accessions from Asia than from America, Africa, and Europe. The highest genetic differentiation was observed between accessions collected from America and Europe. Structure analysis showed the presence of three subpopulations among the sesame accessions, and only six accessions were placed in an admixture group. Phylogenetic tree and principal coordinate analysis clustered the accessions based on their countries of origin. However, no clear division was evident among the sesame accessions with regard to their continental locations. This result was supported by an AMOVA analysis, which revealed a genetic variation among continental groups of 5.53% of the total variation. The large number of SNPs clearly indicated that the Mediterranean sesame core collection is a highly diverse genetic resource. The collection can be exploited by breeders to select appropriate accessions that will provide high genetic gain in sesame improvement programs. The high-quality SNP data generated here should also be used in genome-wide association studies to explore qualitative trait loci and SNPs related to economically and agronomically important traits in sesame.
Klíčová slova:
Asia – Crop genetics – Genetic polymorphism – Molecular genetics – Phylogeography – Plant breeding – Population genetics – Species diversity
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