Adipose stem cells in reparative goat mastitis mammary gland
Clautina R. M. Costa aff001; Matheus L. T. Feitosa aff001; Andressa R. Rocha aff001; Dayseanny O. Bezerra aff001; Yulla K. C. Leite aff001; Napoleão M. Argolo Neto aff001; Huanna W. S. Rodrigues aff001; Antônio Sousa Júnior aff002; Adalberto S. Silva aff003; José L. R. Sarmento aff001; Lucilene S. Silva aff001; Maria A. M. Carvalho aff001
Působiště autorů:
Integrated Nucleus of Morphology and Stem Cell Research (NUPCelt), Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Teresina, Piauí, Brazil
aff001; Technical College of Teresina, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, Brazil
aff002; Biology Department, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Mesenchymal stem cells have been widely used in the treatment of various chronic diseases. The objective of this survey was to evaluate the therapeutic and regenerative potential of stem cells from adipose tissue (ASCs) in the milk production recovery repair of tissue injury in mastitis goats treated with antimicrobial agents prior to cell therapy. After the diagnosis of mastitis and treatment with gentamicin, eight lactating goats were selected for cellular and subsequent therapy, physical-chemical analysis of milk, ultrasonographic and histopathological examinations. The ASCs were taken from the subcutaneous fat of a young goat cultivated in vitro, marked with Qdots-655 and injected in the left mammary gland, being the right mammary gland used as the control. After 30 days the ultrasonographic and histopathological analyzes were repeated and, in the first lactation period, the physical-chemical analysis of the milk was reapeated. Before the cellular therapy, the physical-chemical quality of the milk was compromised and the ultrasonographic and histopathological analysis revealed a chronic inflammatory process and fibrous tissue. The marking of the ASCs with Qdots enabled the tracking, by fluorescence microscopy (BX41-OLYMPUS), in the mammary tissue. In the ASCs therapy, cultures showed high cellularity and characteristics favorable to preclinical studies; with the therapy the physical-chemical parameters of the milk, fat, protein, temperature and pH showed significant differences among the groups; five animals treated with ASCs reconstituted the functionality of the gland and the connective tissue reduced in quantity and inflammatory infiltrate cells. ASCs have potential for the possible regeneration of fibrous mastitis lesions in the mammary gland, however, it would be necessary to increase injection time for the histopathological analysis, since the reconstitution of the glandular acini within the assessed period was not finalized. ASCs can be used to reestablish milk production in goat with chronic mastitis repair mammary lesions, with potential to be a promising clinical alternative for animal rehabilitation for productivity.
Klíčová slova:
Fats – Fibrosis – Goats – Inflammation – Mammary glands – Mastitis – Milk – Stem cell therapy
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