Trait self-control does not predict attentional control: Evidence from a novel attention capture paradigm
Michael A. Dieciuc aff001; Heather M. Maranges aff001; Walter R. Boot aff001
Působiště autorů:
Florida State University Department of Psychology, Tallahassee, Florida, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
To what extent are low-level visual and attentional phenomena related to higher-level personality traits? Trait self-control is thought to modulate behavior via two separate mechanisms: 1) by preventing initial temptation and, 2) by inhibiting temptation when it occurs (disengagement). Similarly, the control of visual attention often entails preventing initial distraction by irrelevant but tempting (goal-similar) objects, and disengaging attention when it has been inappropriately captured. Given these similarities, we examined whether individuals higher versus lower in trait self-control would differ in their susceptibility to attention capture using mouse-tracking as a sensitive, online measure of how attentional dynamics resolve over time and space in response to a distracting visual cue. Using a variety of metrics of attention capture, we found that differences among people in trait self-control did not predict initial selection of visual information nor subsequent disengagement. Overall, these results suggest that trait self-control and attention capture operate via separate mechanisms.
Klíčová slova:
Attention – Behavior – Cognition – Preprocessing – Research validity – Sensory cues – Software tools – Working memory
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