Increased performance of DNA metabarcoding of macroinvertebrates by taxonomic sorting
Kevin K. Beentjes aff001; Arjen G. C. L. Speksnijder aff001; Menno Schilthuizen aff001; Marten Hoogeveen aff001; Rob Pastoor aff001; Berry B. van der Hoorn aff001
Působiště autorů:
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
aff001; Institute of Biology Leiden, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
DNA-based identification through the use of metabarcoding has been proposed as the next step in the monitoring of biological communities, such as those assessed under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Advances have been made in the field of metabarcoding, but challenges remain when using complex samples. Uneven biomass distributions, preferential amplification and reference database deficiencies can all lead to discrepancies between morphological and DNA-based taxa lists. The effects of different taxonomic groups on these issues remain understudied. By metabarcoding WFD monitoring samples, we analyzed six different taxonomic groups of freshwater organisms, both separately and combined. Identifications based on metabarcoding data were compared directly to morphological assessments performed under the WFD. The diversity of taxa for both morphological and DNA-based assessments was similar, although large differences were observed in some samples. The overlap between the two taxon lists was 56.8% on average across all taxa, and was highest for Crustacea, Heteroptera, and Coleoptera, and lowest for Annelida and Mollusca. Taxonomic sorting in six basic groups before DNA extraction and amplification improved taxon recovery by 46.5%. The impact on ecological quality ratio (EQR) scoring was considerable when replacing morphology with DNA-based identifications, but there was a high correlation when only replacing a single taxonomic group with molecular data. Different taxonomic groups provide their own challenges and benefits. Some groups might benefit from a more consistent and robust method of identification. Others present difficulties in molecular processing, due to uneven biomass distributions, large genetic diversity or shortcomings of the reference database. Sorting samples into basic taxonomic groups that require little taxonomic knowledge greatly improves the recovery of taxa with metabarcoding. Current standards for EQR monitoring may not be easily replaced completely with molecular strategies, but the effectiveness of molecular methods opens up the way for a paradigm shift in biomonitoring.
Klíčová slova:
Annelids – DNA extraction – Malacology – Mites – Molluscs – Polymerase chain reaction – Sequence databases – Taxonomy
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