Beta-caryophyllene enhances wound healing through multiple routes
Sachiko Koyama aff001; Anna Purk aff002; Manpreet Kaur aff003; Helena A. Soini aff004; Milos V. Novotny aff004; Keith Davis aff005; C. Cheng Kao aff006; Hiroaki Matsunami aff007; Anthony Mescher aff008
Působiště autorů:
Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States of America
aff001; School of Public Health, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States of America
aff002; Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America
aff003; Department of Chemistry, and Institute for Pheromone Research, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America
aff004; Department of Biology, Biotechnology Program, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States of America
aff005; Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America
aff006; Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, School of Medicine, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America
aff007; Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Beta-caryophyllene is an odoriferous bicyclic sesquiterpene found in various herbs and spices. Recently, it was found that beta-caryophyllene is a ligand of the cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2). Activation of CB2 will decrease pain, a major signal for inflammatory responses. We hypothesized that beta-caryophyllene can affect wound healing by decreasing inflammation. Here we show that cutaneous wounds of mice treated with beta-caryophyllene had enhanced re-epithelialization. The treated tissue showed increased cell proliferation and cells treated with beta-caryophyllene showed enhanced cell migration, suggesting that the higher re-epithelialization is due to enhanced cell proliferation and cell migration. The treated tissues also had up-regulated gene expression for hair follicle bulge stem cells. Olfactory receptors were not involved in the enhanced wound healing. Transient Receptor Potential channel genes were up-regulated in the injured skin exposed to beta-caryophyllene. Interestingly, there were sex differences in the impact of beta- caryophyllene as only the injured skin of female mice had enhanced re-epithelialization after exposure to beta-caryophyllene. Our study suggests that chemical compounds included in essential oils have the capability to improve wound healing, an effect generated by synergetic impacts of multiple pathways.
Klíčová slova:
Cell proliferation – Epidermis – Hair follicles – Hedgehog signaling – Inflammation – Oils – Olfactory receptors – Wound healing
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