Significant reduction of vancomycin resistant E. faecium in the Norwegian broiler population coincided with measures taken by the broiler industry to reduce antimicrobial resistant bacteria

Autoři: Roger Simm aff001;  Jannice Schau Slettemeås aff002;  Madelaine Norström aff002;  Katharine R. Dean aff002;  Magne Kaldhusdal aff002;  Anne Margrete Urdahl aff002
Působiště autorů: Institute of Oral Biology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway aff001;  Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(12)
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226101


Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) belong to the most common causes of nosocomial infections worldwide. It has been reported that use of the glycopeptide growth promoter avoparcin selected for a significant livestock-reservoir of VRE in many European countries, including Norway. However, although avoparcin was banned as a feed-additive in 1995, VRE have for unknown reasons consistently been reported in samples from Norwegian broilers. When avoparcin was banned, broiler-feed was supplemented with the polyether ionophore narasin in order to control the diseases coccidiosis and the frequent sequela necrotic enteritis. A potential link between transferrable vancomycin resistance and reduced susceptibility to narasin was recently reported. The use of narasin as a feed additive was abolished by the Norwegian broiler industry in 2016 and since then, broilers have been reared without in-feed antibacterial supplements. In this study, we demonstrate that all VRE isolates from Norwegian broilers collected in 2006–2014 displayed reduced susceptibility to narasin. Surveillance data collected two years after the narasin abolishment show a significant reduction in VRE, below the detection limit of the surveillance method, and a concurrent marked reduction in Enterococcus faecium with reduced susceptibility to narasin. The significant decline of E. faecium with reduced susceptibility to these antimicrobial compounds also coincided with an increased focus on cleaning and disinfection between broiler flocks. Furthermore, data from a controlled in vivo experiment using Ross 308 broilers indicate that the proportion of E. faecium with reduced susceptibility to narasin was heavily reduced in broilers fed a narasin-free diet compared to a diet supplemented with narasin. Our results are consistent with that the abolishment of this feed additive, possibly in combination with the increased focus on cleaning and disinfection, has had a substantial impact on the occurrence of VRE in the Norwegian broiler population.

Klíčová slova:

Antimicrobial resistance – Diet – Enterococcus infections – Livestock – Norwegian people – Poultry – Vancomycin – Vancomycin resistance


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