Isolation and characterization of fowl aviadenovirus serotype 11 from chickens with inclusion body hepatitis in Morocco
Samira Abghour aff001; Khalil Zro aff003; Mohammed Mouahid aff004; Fatima Tahiri aff001; Meriam Tarta aff005; Jaouad Berrada aff002; Faouzi Kichou aff002
Působiště autorů:
Division of Pharmacy and Veterinary Inputs, ONSSA, Rabat, Morocco
aff001; Hassan 2 Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Rabat, Morocco
aff002; Biopharma, Rabat, Morocco
aff003; Mouahid’s Veterinary Clinic, Temara, Morocco
aff004; Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Mohammedia, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
The present study was conducted in order to isolate, identify and characterize fowl aviadenovirus associated with inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in three poultry farms (two of broiler chickens and one of breeder broiler chickens) in Morocco during 2015. Liver samples collected from affected three poultry farms were examined by histopathological examination. Tissue samples showing necrosis of hepatocytes associated with basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were homogenized and submitted to FAdV isolation in chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell cultures and in SPF embryonated eggs. The cytopathic effect (CPE) was observed in the second passage with swelling and rounding of infected cells. The inoculated embryos were hemorrhagic and showed hepatitis with the presence of basophilic intra-nuclear inclusion bodies within hepatocytes. The presence of the virus was confirmed by conventional polymerase chain reaction based on hexon gene from all investigated samples. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis of the hexon gene revealed that FAdVs isolated from different affected poultry belonged to FAdV 11 serotype of the D genotype group. This work is the first isolation in cell culture and SPF embryonated eggs of FAdV from Moroccan broilers and breeder broiler chickens with IBH.
Klíčová slova:
Cell cultures – DNA sequence analysis – Embryos – Hepatocytes – Chickens – Livestock – Polymerase chain reaction – Poultry
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