Brief group-delivered motivational interviewing is equally effective as brief group-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy at reducing alcohol use in risky college drinkers

Autoři: Cristina Martín-Pérez aff001;  Juan F. Navas aff002;  José C. Perales aff001;  Ángela López-Martín aff004;  Sergio Cordovilla-Guardia aff005;  Mónica Portillo aff006;  Antonio Maldonado aff001;  Raquel Vilar-López aff001
Působiště autorů: Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Centre, University of Granada, Granada, Spain aff001;  Department of Experimental Psychology, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain aff002;  Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain aff003;  Biomedical Research Management Foundation, Cádiz, Spain aff004;  Nursing Department, Nursing and Occupational Therapy College, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain aff005;  Mental Health Services, Ribera Hospital, Valencia, Spain aff006;  Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Granada, Granada, Spain aff007
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(12)
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226271


College students are particularly vulnerable to risky alcohol use, which increases their likelihood of developing an alcohol use disorder in the future. As such, preventing and reducing alcohol use among college students should be a priority for health and social policies. This work was aimed to show that brief group-delivered MI is as effective as brief-group CBT at reducing alcohol use in college students. Eighty-nine college students (69 females; mean age = 21.01, SD = 2.85) with risky alcohol use, as measured by the AUDIT-C, were assigned to two groups, receiving three sessions of either brief group-delivered MI or CBT (bMI/bCBT). Alcohol use was assessed 3 and 6 months after the interventions, and analyzed according to an Intention-to-treat design. Changes in alcohol use at both points (relative to baseline) as well as post-intervention scores of intention to continue treatment and satisfaction with the psychologist were compared across groups, using one-sided Bayesian t-tests. Alcohol use decreased in both groups at the 3- and 6-months measurement points (relative to baseline). However, using bCBT superiority as an alternative hypothesis and the absence of such superiority as a point-null hypothesis, the Bayes factors supported the null at both the 3- and the 6-months follow-up (BF01 = 7.13, and BF01 = 5.22 respectively). Furthermore, the intention to continue treatment was substantially higher in the bMI group (BF10 = 9.77). These results are considerably robust to changes in analyses’ priors. This study suggests that bCBT is not more effective than bMI at reducing alcohol use in our college student group (in which females are overrepresented). Additionally, bMI showed higher intention to continue treatment scores. The comparable results of brief and group-delivered CBT and MI interventions in alcohol use reduction allows clinicians to select treatments based on their own skills or preferences without any detriment to efficacy.

Klíčová slova:

Alcohol consumption – Alcoholism – Alcohols – Cognition – Psychologists – Psychometrics – Psychotherapy – Young adults


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