AlleleProfileR: A versatile tool to identify and profile sequence variants in edited genomes
Arne A. N. Bruyneel aff001; Alexandre R. Colas aff003; Ioannis Karakikes aff001; Mark Mercola aff001
Authors place of work:
Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA United States of America
aff001; Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States of America
aff002; Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, La Jolla, CA, United States of America
aff003; Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States of America
Published in the journal:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Gene editing strategies, such as zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/Cas9 (CRISPR/Cas9), are revolutionizing biology. However, quantitative and sensitive detection of targeted mutations are required to evaluate and quantify the genome editing outcomes. Here we present AlleleProfileR, a new analysis tool, written in a combination of R and C++, with the ability to batch process the sequence analysis of large and complex genome editing experiments, including the recently developed base editing technologies.
Genome analysis – Sequence alignment – Point mutation – Embryos – Genome complexity – CRISPR – Non-homologous end joining – Zinc finger nucleases
Gene editing technologies are revolutionizing the way genetic experiments are conducted. It is now feasible to generate genome edited cell lines or animals in record time. Multiple designer nucleases have been developed for gene editing, including customized zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) [1], transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) [2] and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/Cas9 (CRISPR/Cas9) [3]. These nucleases generate double-stranded breaks (DSBs) at particular sites in the genome that are subsequently repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed repair (HDR) [4, 5]. NHEJ creates random insertions/deletions or point mutations at the point of DSB that often result in frame shifts or loss-off-function of the gene. In contrast, HDR can create precise genetic alterations based on compatible DNA templates, such as the sister chromatids, homologous chromosomes, or exogenous DNA (Fig 1A). As a result, both the NHEJ and HDR pathways have been exploited extensively in research to generate transgenic animals and cell lines.
Genome editing using the HDR pathway enables the precise insertion of new or the repair of existing mutations. For example, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) paired with genome editing strategies are revolutionizing how inherited diseases are studied, including cardiac diseases [6], by enabling the generation of isogenic control lines. Moreover, base editing technologies that irreversibly convert one base into another without DSB, have recently been reported [7, 8]. In contrast, the insertions and deletions (indels) created by NHEJ have been widely used to generate KO in vitro and in vivo models across various species [9–14]. Importantly, it has become feasible to easily generate triple or quadruple KO animal models by multiplexed gene targeting [3, 9]. Multiple genes with redundant functions can be targeted directly by utilizing pooled single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs), and thus generate triple or even quadruple knockouts in a short period of time using in vivo NHEJ. Indeed, we recently generated a quadruple knock-out mouse embryo lacking all four Id (Inhibitor of DNA binding) genes (Id1-4) in the mouse by injecting eight sgRNAs and Cas9 mRNA into fertilized mouse oocytes [15]. Two guides per gene were used to increase the likelihood of creating null-alleles, given the likelihood of in-frame indels when only using one guide [16].
The potential applications of gene editing are numerous but are hindered by the limitations of existing quantitative technologies to quantify NHEJ/HDR or base editing efficiency and profile the generated mutants. Multiple tools have been developed in the recent years to analyze NHEJ/HDR outcomes and base editing experiments, including Cas-Analyzer [17], CRISPR-GA [18], CRISPResso [19], AGEseq [20], CrispRVariants [21], EditR [22], and BE-Analyzer [23]. However, we found that the current analysis tools could not accommodate our needs as they could not analyze chimeric reads caused by large deletions where the resulting reads align to two regions in the genome (up and downstream of the deletion). Hence all data in the quadruple Id gene KO study were analyzed manually [15]. Anticipating that such complex gene targeting experiments will become more common, we designed and implemented a versatile genome editing analysis pipeline using an R-package that can analyze the various types of experiments, termed AlleleProfileR.
Availability of software
AlleleProfileR is provided as open-source software and can be installed locally from source (GitHub, Alternatively, AlleleProfileR can be utilized using the Docker container platform (Docker Hub, The Docker image provides a standalone environment to run AlleleProfileR which includes several external bioinformatics tools, this avoids dependency issues and helps users to get going immediately. A step-by-step guide on how to conduct analyses can be found in S1 File.
Input data supplied by the user and preprocessing of sequencing data
AlleleProfileR requires four types of data to process a gene editing experiment: a reference genome, next generation sequencing (NGS) reads, gene-of-interest loci and configurations. The reference genome needs to be supplied in fasta format, but it is not necessary to provide the entire genome or chromosome, a large enough region spanning the sequenced region is sufficient. As only BAM files are accepted as input sequencing files, raw reads need to be preprocessed first which involves preprocessing, merging, and aligning the reads to the reference. Users can execute these preprocessing steps using their own favorite tools or processing pipeline, alternatively AlleleProfileR can apply these instructions to batches of files directly by linking to external software, such as fastp [24] for FASTQ preprocessing, PEAR [25], FLASH [26], or fastq-join for paired-end read merging [27], and BWA [28] for read alignment, making the analysis of large experiments easier. For example, following code snippet will perform QC using fastp, merge paired-end reads using PEAR, map the reads using BWA and save the resulting BAM files in their respective input folders.
# load the location of the fastq files in the input folders
# directory structure should be provided as files/input/
samples <- = "fastq")
# preprocess the files, this step will perform quality control using fastp, merge # paired-end reads using PEAR, and map the reads using BWA.
AlleleProfileR.preprocess(samples, index = "files/index/frag.fa",
method.qc = "fastp", params.qc = "",
method.merge = "pear", params.merge = "-v 30", = "bwa", subset = NULL)
Finally, AlleleProfileR requires configuration specifics with respect to the genomic regions of interest (for example: start and stop locations, targeted cut site) as well as specifics as to how AlleleProfileR should process the results. These configuration settings can be supplied using the AlleleProfileR.setup command, which accepts many parameters. Essential configuration settings are samples, genes, and index. The samples parameter supplies the samples for analysis, the gene table contains the coordinates of the genes of interest, and index is the reference genome. Optional parameters include among others cutoff, the minimum percentage occurrence required for reporting, and ignore.snp and ignore.single, Booleans indicating whether SNPs or alleles with only a single occurrence should be ignored, respectively.
# load the location of the bam files in the input folders
samplestable <- = "bam")
# set configuration
crispr_config <- AlleleProfileR.setup(samples = samplestable,
genes = "files/config/example_genes.csv",
index = "files/index/frag.fa",
cutoff = 0,
ignore.snp = F,
ignore.single = F)
Processing reads and variant calling
AlleleProfileR will analyze all reads in the BAM file that span the region of interest, determine their allele name and count their occurrences. AlleleProfileR performs variant calling based on the alignment annotations, i.e. by assessing the CIGAR string of the BWA alignment. This string records the extent to which the read matches with the reference: (mis)matched bases are indicated as ‘M’, whereas deleted or inserted bases are represented as ‘D’ or ‘I’, respectively, which allows to pinpoint and extract the gene-editing events. However, chimeric reads or split reads, which occur when a sequencing read aligns to two distinct portions of the genome and are indicative of structural variation, require a more complex analysis procedure, and may arise when DSB-mediated NHEJ produces large indels with the same reads being mapped both downstream and upstream of the event site. AlleleProfileR deals with these reads by reassembling the individual reads, based on the truncation annotations performed by the aligner. The aligner will designate non-aligned parts of chimeric reads as clipped; soft (S) or hard (H), depending on whether these bases were removed from the sequence in the alignment record. In one pair of the chimeric read alignments, part of the sequence will be mapped, part will be clipped, in the other alignment of the pair, the clipped section will be mapped, absent any further indels, enabling the deconvolution of the chimera inducing event. The tutorial in S1 File incorporates in silico experiments demonstrating the performance of the algorithm, such as deletions ranging from 5 to 120 bases resulting in chimeric reads (Fig D in S1 File) and more complex chimeric reads with insertions within large deletions, such as the experiment in Fig E in S1 File where up to 120 scrambled bases were inserted at the deletion site of 120 bases.
Impact annotation and output provided by the software
Based on the gene region information in the configuration, and on the variant calling output, AlleleProfileR will also assess the impact of the variant by assessing various metrics, such as start codon presence, frameshifts, indels within the coding sequence, premature stop codons, etc. Following code snippet will process all data using the aforementioned configuration:
# process files and determine allelic variants
AlleleProfileR.batch(crispr_config, cores = 3, subset = NULL)
All analyses, both at the level of individual reads as well as identified alleles is written to csv files in the output folder. AlleleProfileR can generate various summary statistics to summarize the experimental output, such as the incidence of WT, NHEJ, HDR reads. HDR is quantified as proportion of reads that perfectly match the HDR template. If other variants in addition to the HDR variant are present in a given read, it will be flagged as a combination of HDR and NHEJ (HDR-NHEJ). All non-HDR or HDR-NHEJ reads different from WT are considered NHEJ. Base edit efficiency is quantified at the level of base conversion of individual bases rather than alleles, as neighboring off-target bases may also be edited to a certain extend. AlleleProfileR incorporates various plotting options such as alignments for NHEJ/HDR experiments and sequence logo plots for base editing experiments [29] to aid in the interpretation and visualization of the data.
Results and discussion
Design of the software
AlleleProfileR is a tool to determine gene edit (NHEJ or HDR) or base edit efficiency from NGS data. The software development hypothesis was to resolve the issue of chimeric reads resulting from large deletions when using multiple guides targeting a small region in the genome and enabling batch operation whilst simultaneously making the tool broadly applicable and flexible. The algorithm was implemented in a combination of R and C++ using Rcpp [30] and is available as R-package for local installation or as a stand-alone Docker image. The analysis takes place in three main steps (Fig 1B). First, NGS reads are preprocessed, merged, and aligned. Secondly, the reads are processed using the annotations provided by the aligner, to determine variant name and impact. Based on the known start and stop location of the exon, AlleleProfileR will determine to what extent the coding sequence was affected by the indels or SNPs. For example, frameshift or mutation-induced stop codons and cryptic coding frames are identified. Moreover, AlleleProfileR determines the incidence of NHEJ/HDR or base edit efficiency. Finally, the results are summarized and can be presented using a variety of plotting tools (Fig 1C). Overall, the power of AlleleProfileR is its batch operation capabilities, compatibility with chimeric reads, and intuitive plots. Many current approaches, such as Cas-Analyzer [17], CRISPR-GA [18], CRISPResso [19], and AGEseq [20], rely on aggregated variant summaries which may be suitable to estimate cutting efficiency of guides, but is of little value to conduct genotype-phenotype assessments in edited cell lines or embryos where summary statistics are insufficient because of the incidence of in-frame indels or truncated proteins.
Genome editing and HDR
Genome editing strategies can be used to introduce new genetic variants or reverse gene variants to their WT state. AlleleProfileR offers batch processing and summary statistics, in contrast to most current approaches that are limited to one sample and one genomic location [17–20]. To showcase the utility of AlleleProfileR we determined the HDR frequency of introducing a TNNT2 mutation in human induced pluripotent stem cells (Fig 1C). Cas-Analyzer [17], which reports HDR in combination with NHEJ also as HDR, determined that the HDR efficacy was 2.8% for this experiment. However, only HDR-only events may be relevant when estimating the HDR efficacy of a protocol. Hence, AlleleProfileR reports HDR+NHEJ and HDR-only events separately: 0.9% and 2.6% for accurate HDR and a mix of HDR and NHEJ, respectively.
Large deletions and chimeric reads
We reanalyzed some of the data from the Cunningham et al. [15] study. In contrast to established tools such as CrispRVariants [21], AlleleProfileR can characterize chimeric deletions (Figs F and G in S1 File). CRISPR-DAV can detect chimeric alleles, but is limited to one guide region [31]. Two guides, here targeting either the ATG or the start of the HLH domain, are often used to increase the likelihood of a null allele. Nonetheless, in-frame indels or truncated proteins that retain some function can arise from two-guide mediated NHEJ. Therefore, AlleleProfileR was designed to estimate the likely consequence of an indel, by determining whether the start or stop codons are affected, or frame shift was induced, or putative cryptic coding sequences are present. AlleleProfileR analysis of the Cuningham et al. [15] dataset revealed that the 2–183 deletion gave rise to a cryptic start codon one bp downstream of the original start codon, and hence an Id1 variant with truncated N-terminal end but intact HLH domain (Fig 2C and 2D). Such variants might have had residual function and could therefore explain the partial phenotypes that were seen in some of the embryos [15].
Base editing
Furthermore, we reanalyzed some of the data from the study of Gaudelli et al. [7] describing the adenine base editors (ABEs) that mediate the conversion of A•T to G•C in genomic DNA. The NGS data from one genomic site and different ABE were downloaded from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive database and were reanalyzed using AlleleProfileR (Fig 3A). AlleleProfileR’s plotting tools provide a convenient graphical representation of both on-target as well as off-target base editing events (Fig 3B). Our analysis agreed with the reported analysis using a custom local alignment script implemented in Matlab [7] (Fig 3C). Briefly, the results of AlleleProfileR correlate perfectly with the analysis using the original script (ρ = 0.9999869, p-value < 2.2e-16) and the difference between both methods in this dataset is small. These small differences can likely be explained by the different ways the methods deal with sequencing noise. Alternate tools have also been reported such as BE-Analyzer [23] which provides a convenient online tool to determine base edit efficacy. However, the tool can only analyze one sample at the time and has limited downstream analytical capabilities as it lacks batch operation capabilities.
In summary, AlleleProfileR offers a robust workflow for processing in vitro or in vivo genome editing experiments. The advantages of AlleleProfileR over currently established tools is that it operates in batch mode and efficiently deals with chimeric reads caused by using two guides and provides multiple visualization tools for displaying the results, in contrast to most current tools that allow the analysis of single samples, small indels, or single guides.
Supporting information
S1 File [pdf]
Tutorial on how to install and use AlleleProfileR.
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