Phenomic screen identifies a role for the yeast lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 in the control of Bcy1 subcellular localization, glycogen biosynthesis, and mitochondrial morphology

Autoři: Elizabeth A. Walden aff001;  Roger Y. Fong aff001;  Trang T. Pham aff001;  Hana Knill aff001;  Sarah Jane Laframboise aff001;  Sylvain Huard aff001;  Mary-Ellen Harper aff001;  Kristin Baetz aff001
Působiště autorů: Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada aff001;  Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, Ottawa, Canada aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: Phenomic screen identifies a role for the yeast lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 in the control of Bcy1 subcellular localization, glycogen biosynthesis, and mitochondrial morphology. PLoS Genet 16(11): e1009220. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009220
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1009220


Cellular metabolism is tightly regulated by many signaling pathways and processes, including lysine acetylation of proteins. While lysine acetylation of metabolic enzymes can directly influence enzyme activity, there is growing evidence that lysine acetylation can also impact protein localization. As the Saccharomyces cerevisiae lysine acetyltransferase complex NuA4 has been implicated in a variety of metabolic processes, we have explored whether NuA4 controls the localization and/or protein levels of metabolic proteins. We performed a high-throughput microscopy screen of over 360 GFP-tagged metabolic proteins and identified 23 proteins whose localization and/or abundance changed upon deletion of the NuA4 scaffolding subunit, EAF1. Within this, three proteins were required for glycogen synthesis and 14 proteins were associated with the mitochondria. We determined that in eaf1Δ cells the transcription of glycogen biosynthesis genes is upregulated resulting in increased proteins and glycogen production. Further, in the absence of EAF1, mitochondria are highly fused, increasing in volume approximately 3-fold, and are chaotically distributed but remain functional. Both the increased glycogen synthesis and mitochondrial elongation in eaf1Δ cells are dependent on Bcy1, the yeast regulatory subunit of PKA. Surprisingly, in the absence of EAF1, Bcy1 localization changes from being nuclear to cytoplasmic and PKA activity is altered. We found that NuA4-dependent localization of Bcy1 is dependent on a lysine residue at position 313 of Bcy1. However, the glycogen accumulation and mitochondrial elongation phenotypes of eaf1Δ, while dependent on Bcy1, were not fully dependent on Bcy1-K313 acetylation state and subcellular localization of Bcy1. As NuA4 is highly conserved with the human Tip60 complex, our work may inform human disease biology, revealing new avenues to investigate the role of Tip60 in metabolic diseases.

Klíčová slova:

Mitochondria – Acetylation – Biosynthesis – Glucose – Glycogens – Lysine – Protein metabolism – Yeast


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