Heparin induced thrombocytopenia and up to date options of treatment – review of literature
Juraj Sokol 1; František Nehaj 2; Juraj Chudej 1; Michal Mokáň 2; Marianna Kubašková 3; Martin Jozef Péč 4; Jana Žolková 1; Ubica Vadelová 1; Peter Galajda 2; Ján Staško 1
Authors place of work:
Klinika hematológie a transfuziológie, Národné centrum hemostázy a trombózy, JLF UK a UN Martin, Slovenská republika
1; I. interná klinika JLF UK a UK Martin, Slovenská republika
2; Rádiologická klinika JLF UK a UN Martin, Slovenská republika
3; JLF UK Martin, Slovenská republika
Published in the journal:
Vnitř Lék 2020; 66(8): 39-46
Přehledové články
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a profoundly dangerous, potentially lethal, immunologically mediated adverse drug reaction to unfractionated heparin or, less commonly, to low–molecular weight heparin. Some patients with HIT develop serious thrombotic complications like limb ischemia and gangrene, while others may not develop such complications. Current laboratory diagnostic tools incur significant time delays before confirming HIT, therefore upon clinical suspicion, treatment of HIT should start immediately. In this review, the authors highlight heparin-induced thrombocytopenia’s risk factors, clinical presentation, pathophysiology, diagnostic principles, and treatment.
Thrombocytopenia – autoimmunity – treatment – direct oral anticoagulants
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