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Results of Prophylactic Treatment of Severe von Willebrand Disease with Recombinant vWF
Níže citovaná studie fáze III hodnotila účinnost a bezpečnost 12měsíční profylaxe rekombinantním von Willebrandovým faktorem (rvWF) u 23 pacientů s těžkou von Willebrandovou chorobou (vWD), kteří byli dříve léčeni jen podle potřeby (při výskytu spontánního krvácení) nebo předtím užívali profylaxi vWF získaným z plazmy (pdvWF).

Smaller Volume and Faster Infusion Rate of aPCC: What Do Current Data Say About This Modification?
Podání infuze s koncentrátem aktivovaného protrombinového komplexu (aPCC) při standardizované…

Evaluation of Joint Condition in Daily Practice in the Era of New Hemophilia Treatment
With the development of new treatment options for hemophilia, there has also been progress in…
Articles on this topic

Collagen Turnover as a Biomarker of Hemophilia Treatment Efficacy
Over the past decades, hemophilia treatment has made significant progress—from factor therapy…

FEIBA in Real Clinical Practice – Fresh Data from the Observational Study FEIBA GO
FEIBA GO (Global Outcome) was a prospective observational study evaluating the long-term…

Untreated Bleeding in Hemophilia A – An Underestimated Problem? To What Extent?
How common is bleeding in hemophilia A that ultimately goes untreated? This was the focus of a…

Economic Costs and Concomitant FVIII Consumption in Hemophilia Patients Treated with Emicizumab in the 1st Year − A US Experience
The authors of a recent study, summarizing real-world experience from the US, focused on the…

Safety of aPCC in Real Practice – Results of the BAHAS Project
What are the experiences with activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC) in controlling…

Current Expert Consensus on Prophylaxis of Individuals with Mild and Moderate Hemophilia A: These Patients Also Deserve Better Care
What is the importance of prophylaxis in 'non-severe' hemophilia A? Italian doctors have…

Non-factor vs. Factor Prophylaxis of Hemophilia A: A Comparison of Cost and Treatment Effectiveness Based on Real-World Data from the USA
In the prophylactic treatment of patients with hemophilia A, particularly its severe form,…

Model of Risk of Bleeding Associated with Physical Activity in Hemophiliacs with Factor and Non-Factor Treatment
In the treatment of hemophilia A, both FVIII concentrate replacement therapy and non-factor…

Dosing and Consumption of rFVIII Products with Extended Half-life in Patients with Hemophilia A in Real-World Practice
Based on real-world data from the USA, a recently published study compared two recombinant…

Efficacy and Safety of Two Pharmacokinetically-Driven Prophylactic Regimens in People with Hemophilia A
Standard prophylaxis for bleeding in hemophilia A, based on the administration of coagulation…
E-courses on this topic
Most read on this topic
- International Recommendations for COVID-19 Vaccination in People with Bleeding Disorders
- Vascular Disease in the Gradually Aging Population of Hemophiliacs: An Underestimated Problem?
- Administration of aPCC as a Prevention of Bleeding After Major Cardiac Surgical Procedures
- What FVIII Levels Are Ideal for Preventing Bleeding in Hemophilia A?
- COVID-19: Specifics of Care for Individuals with Congenital Bleeding Disorders
- Position of aPCC in the Treatment of Hemophilia A Complicated by the Development of Inhibitors
Journal on this topic
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