Lung Cancer
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Sotorasib v léčbě pacientů s NSCLC s mutací G12C onkogenu KRAS – zkušenosti z reálné české praxe
MUDr. Gabriela Krákorová, Ph.D., z Kliniky pneumologie a ftizeologie LF UK a FN Plzeň na třech kazuistikách svých pacientů s metastatickým nemalobuněčným karcinomem plic (NSCLC) s mutací KRASG12C po selhání předchozí léčby ukázala, že v běžné praxi můžeme očekávat efekt a snášenlivost sotorasibu odpovídající výsledkům klinické studie CodeBreak 100. Zdůraznila také, že u NSCLC nejde o vzácnou mutaci – tato modalita tedy může být s dobrým efektem nasazena v řadě případů.

Excellent effect of sotorasib in a higher line of treatment in a patient with NSCLC with G12C mutation of KRAS – a case study
We present a case study of an elderly patient with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with…

Change in Mutation Characteristics of NSCLC Detected by Liquid Biopsy – Case Study
Due to changes in mutations during the progression of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)…
Articles on this topic

Inhibition of Mutated KRAS Protein as a New Option for Targeted Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
RAS proteins are molecular switches for several intracellular signaling pathways. Their…

Long-term Benefit of Sotorasib for Survival of Patients with Pre-treated Advanced/Metastatic NSCLC with G12C Mutation of KRAS Oncogene
Sotorasib is indicated as monotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with the…

Sotorasib in the Treatment of a Patient with NSCLC and DIC – A Case Report
Sotorasib is the first clinically used inhibitor of the KRAS oncogene with the G12C mutation.…

Incidence of Brain Metastases and Intracranial Activity of Sotorasib in Patients with NSCLC with G12C Mutation of the KRAS Oncogene
Sotorasib is the first targeted drug approved for the treatment of metastatic non-small cell…

Can We Reach Brain Metastases of Lung Cancer with Anti-EGFR Targeted Therapy?
Information on the penetration of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors…

Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes Achieved in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in Central Europe
In June 2020, the journal Radiology and Oncology published the results of an analysis of data…

Treatment with Osimertinib in Patients with NSCLC After Disease Progression on Previous Therapy – Case Study
We present a case study of a patient with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with a proven…

Osimertinib in the Treatment of Patients with NSCLC with Secondary EGFR T790M Mutation – Case Study
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a genetically heterogeneous disease. Individualization…

How to Communicate and Receive an Oncological Diagnosis
Communicating the truth about a patient's health condition does not have a very long tradition...

Patient Evaluation of Durvalumab Treatment Results
The interim analysis results of the PACIFIC study, which monitored the efficacy of durvalumab…
Most read on this topic
- Osimertinib in the Treatment of Patients with NSCLC with Secondary EGFR T790M Mutation – Case Study
- Treatment with Osimertinib in Patients with NSCLC After Disease Progression on Previous Therapy – Case Study
- Can We Reach Brain Metastases of Lung Cancer with Anti-EGFR Targeted Therapy?
- Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes Achieved in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in Central Europe
- Sotorasib in the Treatment of a Patient with NSCLC and DIC – A Case Report
- Long-term Benefit of Sotorasib for Survival of Patients with Pre-treated Advanced/Metastatic NSCLC with G12C Mutation of KRAS Oncogene
Journal on this topic
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