Rare Diseases

Czech Society of Hepatology guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute porphyrias
Porfyrie jsou vzácné metabolické choroby způsobené vrozeným enzymatickým defektem nebo získanou poruchou...

Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract in amyloidosis: when to think about it and how to diagnose
Amyloidózy jsou onemocnění odlišné etiologie, u kterých dochází k depozici abnormálně uspořádaných proteinů...
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Most read on this topic
- Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract in amyloidosis: when to think about it and how to diagnose
- Czech Society of Hepatology guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute porphyrias
- You can confirm or exclude ATTRv amyloidosis through genetic testing
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