Modern Treatment of Diabetes

We recommend diabetes patient

Přínos včasně zahájené léčby metforminem s prodlouženým účinkem a bisoprololem na snížení KV rizika – kazuistika

19. 3. 2024 Source: Modern Treatment of Diabetes

Včasná diagnostika a intenzivní léčba rizikových faktorů (RF) kardiovaskulárního onemocnění (KVO) s sebou přináší benefit ve smyslu snížení pravděpodobnosti jeho výskytu. Nakupení těchto faktorů (hypertenze, nadváha či obezita, hyperurikémie, porucha metabolismu lipidů a glycidů – prediabetes nebo diabetes mellitus) u jednoho pacienta potom definujeme jako metabolický syndrom, který představuje velmi významné KV riziko. Následující kazuistika ilustruje efektivní možnost jeho snížení.


Current findings on the treatment of gestational diabetes and DM2 in pregnancy with metformin

Recent reviews have shown that metformin is a safe alternative to insulin in the treatment of…
12. 3. 2024 Source: Modern Treatment of Diabetes
Gestační diabetes

Meta-analysis of Efficacy and Safety of Antidiabetics in Treating Gestational DM

What efficacy and safety do insulin, metformin, or the sulfonylurea derivative glibenclamide…
13. 9. 2023 Source: Modern Treatment of Diabetes

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Current View on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Theory and Practice

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Can Ketogenic Diet or Intermittent Fasting Help Patients with DM2 in Controlling Weight and Glycemia?

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Is Obesity a Universal Phenotype in Children with Type 2 Diabetes?

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Treatment of Diabetes in Pregnancy with Metformin Does Not Increase the Risk of Low Birth Weight

In several studies, it has been observed that exposure to metformin during pregnancy, compared…
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Efficacy of Conventional and Intensified Lifestyle Interventions in Individuals with Prediabetes According to Risk Level

Lifestyle changes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes in individuals with…
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Metformin with Extended Release in the Treatment of Prediabetes

The benefit of metformin in preventing the development of diabetes in people with prediabetes…
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Prediabetes as a Risk Factor for Overall Mortality and Development of CVD

Prediabetes represents a glucose metabolism disorder with a high risk of developing diabetes.…
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XR vs. IR Form of Metformin − It’s Not Just About Gastrointestinal Tolerability

It is well known that the XR form of metformin shows better gastrointestinal tolerability.…
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Metformin in Pregnancy and Its Safety Profile

In Finland, a comprehensive analysis of data from the national registry was conducted to assess...
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Prediction of DM2 and CVD Development Risk Based on Lipidomic Risk Determination

The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is strongly…
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