Quality Life Even with Hemophilia
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Zlepšování péče o pacienty s hemofilií A: Kde jsme a kam míříme?
Pohlédneme-li na dosavadní časový snímek léčby hemofilie, je patrné, že k velkým pokrokům došlo především v posledním desetiletí. Ze současného výzkumu je však zřejmé, že v závěsu za nimi už čekají další. Aktualizovaná doporučení Světové hemofilické federace (WFH – World Federation of Hemophilia) dokonce obsahují změněnou definici profylaxe a také další novinky. Nejen na to upozornilo sympozium nazvané „Zlepšování péče při hemofilii A: Kde jsme a kam míříme?“, které bylo součástí odborného programu virtuálního kongresu EAHAD 2021.

New Treatment Options for Hemophilia Come with Discussions on Important Issues
The organizing committee of this year's virtual congress of the European Association for…

CASE STUDY: Surgical Procedure in an Adolescent Patient with Severe Hemophilia A on Emicizumab Prophylaxis
This case study is narrated by MUDr. Bohumír Blažek from the Clinic of Pediatric Medicine at LF OU and...
Articles on this topic

How Does Emicizumab Work in Obese Adults with Hemophilia A?
What is the annual bleeding rate and minimum concentration of emicizumab in obese adults with…

Final Analysis of the STASEY Study: How Did Emicizumab Perform in Prophylaxis of Hemophilia A Patients with FVIII Inhibitors?
The July virtual congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)…

What does the analysis of the CHESS PAEDs study say about the relationship between physical activity and the frequency of bleeding events in children with hemophilia A?
Currently, there is limited published data addressing the relationship between physical…

Gene Therapy for Hemophilia A: What is the Expression of Factor VIII Using the Adeno-Associated Viral Vector SPK-8011?
The goal of gene therapy for hemophilia A is to safely transfer stable and durable expression…

Patient with Moderate Hemophilia A and Development of FVIII Inhibitor in Old Age and Atrial Fibrillation − Interactive Case Study
MUDr. Petr Smejkal, Ph.D., from the Department of Clinical Hematology, FN Brno, has prepared a...

Interactive Case Study of a Patient with Severe Hemophilia A - Experience from Slovenia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena Preložnik Zupan (University Medical Centre Ljubljana) describes an interactive...

Summary Analysis of HAVEN 1–4 and Patient Case Studies from ÚHKT
MUDr. Věra Geierová from the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion in Prague prepared…

ASH 2020: Efficacy and Safety of Emicizumab in Long-term Follow-up
At the virtual meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) in December 2020, the…

ASH 2020: Two Real-World Perspectives on Experiences with Emicizumab Prophylaxis
Data presented at the ASH 2020 congress bring interesting insights regarding the…

Reflection of Progress in Hemophilia Treatment in Current WFH Recommendations
In June 2020, the new, third guidelines of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) were…
Conferences news
Go to records
Most read on this topic
- Boy with Hemophilia A with Inhibitor − Case Study with Voting
- CASE STUDY: Surgical Procedure in an Adolescent Patient with Severe Hemophilia A on Emicizumab Prophylaxis
- Interactive Case Study of a Patient with Severe Hemophilia A - Experience from Slovenia
- Gene Therapy for Hemophilia A: What is the Expression of Factor VIII Using the Adeno-Associated Viral Vector SPK-8011?
- Transition of Hemophilia A Patients with a History of Coagulation Factor Inhibitor to Emicizumab
- Reflection of Progress in Hemophilia Treatment in Current WFH Recommendations
Journal on this topic
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