Auxin apical dominance governed by the OsAsp1-OsTIF1 complex determines distinctive rice caryopses development on different branches

Autoři: Shu Chang aff001;  Yixing Chen aff001;  Shenghua Jia aff001;  Yihao Li aff001;  Kun Liu aff001;  Zhouhua Lin aff001;  Hanmeng Wang aff001;  Zhilin Chu aff001;  Jin Liu aff001;  Chao Xi aff001;  Heping Zhao aff001;  Shengcheng Han aff001;  Yingdian Wang aff001
Působiště autorů: Beijing Key Laboratory of Gene Resource and Molecular Development, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, China aff001;  Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability of the People's Government of Qinghai Province & Beijing Normal University, Qinghai Normal University, Qinghai, China aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: Auxin apical dominance governed by the OsAsp1-OsTIF1 complex determines distinctive rice caryopses development on different branches. PLoS Genet 16(10): e1009157. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009157
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1009157


In rice (Oryza sativa), caryopses located on proximal secondary branches (CSBs) have smaller grain size and poorer grain filling than those located on apical primary branches (CPBs), greatly limiting grain yield. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for developmental differences between CPBs and CSBs remains elusive. In this transcriptome-wide expression study, we identified the gene Aspartic Protease 1 (OsAsp1), which reaches an earlier and higher transcriptional peak in CPBs than in CSBs after pollination. Disruption of OsAsp1 expression in the heterozygous T-DNA line asp1-1+/–eliminated developmental differences between CPBs and CSBs. OsAsp1 negatively regulated the transcriptional inhibitor of auxin biosynthesis, OsTAA1 transcriptional inhibition factor 1 (OsTIF1), to preserve indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) apical dominance in CPBs and CSBs. IAA also facilitated OsTIF1 translocation from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the nucleus by releasing the interaction of OsTIF1 with OsAsp1 to regulate caryopses IAA levels via a feedback loop. IAA promoted transcription of OsAsp1 through MADS29 to maintain an OsAsp1 differential between CPBs and CSBs during pollination. Together, these findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the distributed auxin differential between CPBs and CSBs to regulate distinct caryopses development in different rice branches and potential targets for engineering yield improvement in crops.

Klíčová slova:

Arabidopsis thaliana – Auxins – Endoplasmic reticulum – Endosperm – Gene expression – Mesophyll – Rice – Transcriptional control


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