Ferritin heavy chain protects the developing wing from reactive oxygen species and ferroptosis

Autoři: Simone Mumbauer aff001;  Justine Pascual aff001;  Irina Kolotuev aff002;  Fisun Hamaratoglu aff001
Působiště autorů: Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland aff001;  Electron Microscopy Facility, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland aff002;  School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom aff003
Vyšlo v časopise: Ferritin heavy chain protects the developing wing from reactive oxygen species and ferroptosis. PLoS Genet 15(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1008396
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1008396


The interplay between signalling pathways and metabolism is crucial for tissue growth. Yet, it remains poorly understood. Here, we studied the consequences of modulating iron metabolism on the growth of Drosophila imaginal discs. We find that reducing the levels of the ferritin heavy chain in the larval wing discs leads to drastic growth defects, whereas light chain depletion causes only minor defects. Mutant cell clones for the heavy chain lack the ability to compete against Minute mutant cells. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulate in wing discs with reduced heavy chain levels, causing severe mitochondrial defects and ferroptosis. Preventing ROS accumulation alleviates some of the growth defects. We propose that the increased expression of ferritin in hippo mutant cells may protect against ROS accumulation.

Klíčová slova:

Apoptosis – Drosophila melanogaster – Mitochondria – Reactive oxygen species – RNA interference – Ferritin – Mutant genotypes


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