Mutations of the Bacillus subtilis YidC1 (SpoIIIJ) insertase alleviate stress associated with σM-dependent membrane protein overproduction

Autoři: Heng Zhao aff001;  Ankita J. Sachla aff001;  John D. Helmann aff001
Působiště autorů: Department of Microbiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States of America aff001
Vyšlo v časopise: Mutations of the Bacillus subtilis YidC1 (SpoIIIJ) insertase alleviate stress associated with σM-dependent membrane protein overproduction. PLoS Genet 15(10): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1008263
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1008263


In Bacillus subtilis, the extracytoplasmic function σ factor σM regulates cell wall synthesis and is critical for intrinsic resistance to cell wall targeting antibiotics. The anti-σ factors YhdL and YhdK form a complex that restricts the basal activity of σM, and the absence of YhdL leads to runaway expression of the σM regulon and cell death. Here, we report that this lethality can be suppressed by gain-of-function mutations in yidC1 (spoIIIJ), which encodes the major YidC membrane protein insertase in B. subtilis. B. subtilis PY79 YidC1 (SpoIIIJ) contains a single amino acid substitution in a functionally important hydrophilic groove (Q140K), and this allele suppresses the lethality of high σM. Analysis of a library of YidC1 variants reveals that increased charge (+2 or +3) in the hydrophilic groove can compensate for high expression of the σM regulon. Derepression of the σM regulon induces secretion stress, oxidative stress and DNA damage responses, all of which can be alleviated by the YidC1Q140K substitution. We further show that the fitness defect caused by high σM activity is exacerbated in the absence of the SecDF protein translocase or σM-dependent induction of the Spx oxidative stress regulon. Conversely, cell growth is improved by mutation of specific σM-dependent promoters controlling operons encoding integral membrane proteins. Collectively, these results reveal how the σM regulon has evolved to up-regulate membrane-localized complexes involved in cell wall synthesis, and to simultaneously counter the resulting stresses imposed by regulon induction.

Klíčová slova:

Bacillus subtilis – Hyperexpression techniques – Insertion mutation – Integral membrane proteins – Membrane proteins – Point mutation – Polymerase chain reaction – Regulons


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