The Restless Legs Syndrome in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment
J. Boldizsár 1; A. Gyuríková 1; M. Drančíková 1; J. Jantošík 2; J. Rosenberger 3
Authors‘ workplace:
FMC – dialyzačné služby s. r. o., Nové Zámky, Slovenská republika, prim. MUDr. Ján Boldizsár
1; Neurológia Štúrovo, s. r. o., Štúrovo, Slovenská republika, vedúci lekár MUDr. Juraj Jantošík
2; Nefrologické dialyzačné centrum Fresenius, Košice, Slovenská republika, prim. MUDr. Robert Roland
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2012; 58(7 a 8): 19-22
80th Birthday MUDr. Miroslav Mydlík, DrSc.
The authors of this work were concerned about the occurrence of the Restless Legs Syndrome in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment. The study was conducted based on a questionnaire. In accordance with data from literary sources, a three times higher occurrence of the Restless Legs Syndrome was found compared to the normal population (not receiving hemodialysis treatment). On the other hand, the four times higher presence of the Restless Legs Syndrome among men does not match data from literary sources. Average age was found to be higher among women. In the sample of 60 patients under hemodialysis treatment no statistically significant difference was found in the serial iron level, serial hemoglobin level, and the length of treatment between the the Restless Legs Syndrome positive and negative patients.
Key words:
restless legs syndrome – diagnosis – differential diagnosis – treatment – presence among patients under hemodialysis treatment
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2012 Issue 7 a 8
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