Specifics of medical care for lesbians

Authors: MUDr. Pavel Turčan
Authors place of work: Ordinace sexuologie a andrologie, Centrum MEDIOL s. r. o., Olomouc
Published in the journal: Ceska Gynekol 2015; 80(2): 104-114


Health care for lesbian women, especial-ly care within the competence of the gynecologist, general practitioner and sexologist, at first glance no different from heterosexual women care about, and in many issues this is really true. But there are a few specifics that differentiate this minority group. If the doctor realizes these specifics, he can offer a better care about the health of their patients and possibly also focus on the prevention of various diseases targeted prevention. This article points out the various specifics and their importance in the care of minority lesbian and bisexual women.

Review article.

Centrum Mediol s.r.o., Andrology and Sexology Clinic, Olomouc.

Analysis of literature review and our own experience dealing with differences of health care for lesbian women.

Although physiologically and anatomical-ly lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual women are the same, studies show that certain diseases or risk in the population of lesbians and bisexual women are more prevalent and hence the need to particularly focus on preventive care for certain specifics.

lesbian, health care, sexual dysfunction, homophobia, gynecological diseases, preventive care


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