Olomouc course, autumn 2013
Publishing a scientific medical article
Vyšlo v časopise:
Ceska Gynekol 2013; 78(4): 389
One day course on writing and publishing at Olomouc University Hopital, October 31st, 09.00-16.00.
Organizer/leader: Reynir Tómas Geirsson, Chief Editor AOGS, with Prof. Karel Marsál.
Target group: Young doctors and similar academic /clinical personel, involved and interested in research work within obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine, pediatrics, obstetric anesthetics and closely related subjects (PhD and masters student levels, possibly medical students involved in research projects). Not destined for senior researchers or senior members of staff, although a couple of faculty members should be there tofollow what is happening.
Note on the program: The aim is to make those relatively new in research familiar with aspects of modern publishing, what to do and not to do in writing and submitting an article and getting it accepted for publication. All slide material will be provided by e.mail to participants or through a USB stick or direct download at the course. There will be emphasis on a positive and correct approach to writing and presenting a manuscript to journal editors and on pitfalls in writing and submitting. Two near ready articles from participants will be considered on screen by the group.
Language: English.
Maximum number: 25-30.
Závazné přihlášky prosím mailem na adrese:martin.prochazka@fnol.cz,počet účastníků je omezen!
Cena kurzu je 1000 Kč, platba na místě.
09.00: Welcome address Martin ProchazkaRadovan Pilka
09.05-09.45: The medical journals (brief history, current situation, types of journals, open and subscription access, how journals are used, the pressure to publish, who should be an author and who not, choice of journals, the main components of an article, how to prepare the article when the research project commences) (RTG).
09.45-10.00: Coffee, water, tea and stretching.
10.00-10.30: The title, the abstract, key words, abbreviations and the Introduction (RTG).
10.30.-11.00: Material and methods, Results (incl. tables and figures), Discussion and Conclusions (RTG and KM).
11.00-11.15: More coffee, tea, water and stretching.
11.15-12.00: Navigating Author guidelines and Equator-network.org (RTG).
12.00-12.30: Questions, discussion (participants may bring up their own current writing problems).
12.30-13.15: Light lunch, some more coffee and a dose of fresh Czech autumn air.
Note: After lunch the program-times may be somewhatflexible.
13.15-14.00: Going through article 1 (RTG and KM).
14.00-14.15: A little coffee, tea or water.
14.15-15.00: Going through article 2 (RTG and KM).
15.00-15.15: Again some coffe, tea, water and stretching.
15.15.-16.00: The pitfalls, the tricks of the trade, the references, your writing problems; - all to be discussed in the group.
After 16.00: Continued discussion at a suitable venue to have a dose of Czech beer for those so inclined...
Dětská gynekologie Gynekologie a porodnictví Reprodukční medicínaČlánek vyšel v časopise
Česká gynekologie

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