Risk factors of thromboembolic disease in adolescent users od COC
M. Havlín; D. Ondrová
Authors‘ workplace:
Česká společnost gynekologie dětí a dospívajících
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2020; 75 (3): 142-145.
This article deals with etiopathogenesis of thromboembolic disease and analyzes the main risk mechanisms of its development. In particular, the text emphasizes the multifactoriality of the development of thromboembolic states. It discusses the relationship of thrombophilic mutations to the hormonal treatments and quantifies their risks. Great importance is given to the prevention of thrombophilic stimuli, ie. mainly a rational life style. Despite all the risks, COC is the most reliable contraceptive method (while following the lege artis procedure) and its benefits significantly outweigh the negatives.
adolescent girl – hormonal contraception – risk factors of thromoembolism – prescribing recommendations – thrombophilic mutations
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2020 Issue 3
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